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Sell that artist, or: the eternally inhibiting modesty of the self-employed worker

There are very, very many artists and creatives who did not start out as entrepreneurs but need or want to get into business. Their number has only increased since 'the Halbe Zijlstra period'. I know them, I mentor a few and last but not least, I am one myself. The perfect occasion to take some continuing education to myself.

Culture+Enterprise is one of the parties that organises education, training and coaching to help creatives find their way (again). One such training course is 'acquisition'. Oh dear, the A-word! Almost as bad, maybe even worse than the N-word, networking. You do it, but few people feel senang in selling and touting themselves. It's that embarrassment and shame that are incredibly prohibitive. The 'my work speaks for itself' attitude, doesn't help either. Selling yourself soon feels 'flat' to most attendees.

And it is on a cold Wednesday morning to coach Ernst van Dijk, himself coming from the big-advertising boy world, to that negative frame tilt.


The reframe, or 'framing differently' , as the coach calls it, is the main key to victory over one's own obstacles and fears. 'Name what you have to offer, be aware that you can help the other person with a problem.' It is precisely what participants are good at that they are too often modest about. Because yes, that is what they can do. Reframing your talents and your added value is something that everyone should do every year.

Step by step, we are led through the jungle of acquiring. Of course, many of the lessons are catch-alls: be nice to the receptionist, ask questions, don't call when you are in dire need of money but rather when you are well into your assignments. Still, everyone often knows, but between knowing and doing there are a lot of ' yes buts'.

Yes but I am busy, yes but I had already e-mailed then I can't also call, yes but I am a blabbermouth, yes but I do many different things, where do I start?

Phone call

The added value of this type of training is therefore in the do. On the spot, participants practise phone calls, come up with opening phrases and are encouraged to raise the bar. Why look forward to a phone call all morning when you could do 10?

Exchange is also always key. Many independents and creatives do not have regular close colleagues and are all inventing their own wheel. But how does Facebook actually work? Who do you accept on LinkedIn? Should I tweet? These are questions that are exchanged amply.

While the participants fill in their evaluation forms and exchange cards, I dive into my own LinkedIn, because oh yes, who and whom I might actually best invite....

Hannah Roelofs

Dramaturg, speech coach and student English teacher.View Author posts

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