Back in February this year, you could add museums worldwide to your Twitter lists thanks to #followamueum, and now they have come up with another new thing. It's unprecedented, and very simple. On 1 September next, anyone, anywhere in the world, can ask questions to people who know about art. Only condition: that you are on twitter sits and knows where the 'hashtag' button is. Because with the 'hashtag' #askacurator ask your question to a museum conductor or exhibition maker, and by using the search function on the twitter website, or in a twitter program like Tweetdeck, searching for that same #askacurator, you can follow anyone with such a question, and also keep track of their answers.
Museums worldwide have been doing well on Twitter for a while now, although Dutch museums are still a bit hesitant. After all: it is quite difficult to come up with something using social media on your own. But here too, the power of the crowds is evident: the more like-minded people join in, the greater the chance of a brilliant idea emerging. And this just might be 1 of them.
More information.
For now, of the Dutch museums, only @museumboerhaave is participating. Of course, we hope many more Dutch museums will join!
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