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The Cultural Press Agency is a Dutch website dedicated to journalistic coverage of culture and the arts. Our mission is to provide in-depth, critical and well-researched articles that go beyond superficial reflections. This can range from reviews and interviews to background articles and opinions.

The aim of the Cultural Press Office is to stimulate discussion on art and culture and bridge the gap between artists, policymakers and the general public. We broach topics relevant to the current cultural and political climate. We also cover topics such as cultural funding, arts policy and the impact of arts and culture on society.

The Cultural Press Bureau exists thanks to donations and memberships. We deliberately receive no subsidy, in order to remain independent. 

Therefore, become member, or donate!

Private Membership (month)
5 / Maand
For natural persons and self-employed persons.
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Small Membership (month)
18 / Maand
For cultural institutions with a turnover/subsidy of less than €250,000 per year
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A premium newsletter
All our podcasts
Your own Mastodon account
Access to archives
Posting press releases yourself
Extra attention in news coverage
Large Membership (month)
36 / Maand
For cultural institutions with a turnover/subsidy of more than €250,000 per year.
No annoying banners
A special newsletter
Your own Mastodon account
Access to archives
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Extra attention in news coverage
Premium Newsletter (substack)
5 trial subscriptions
All our podcasts

Payments are made via iDeal, Paypal, Credit Card, Bancontact or Direct Debit. If you prefer to pay manually, based on an invoice in advance, we charge a 10€ administration fee

*Only for annual membership or after 12 monthly payments

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