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Reply Zijlstra (culture) to question on friction costs confirms chamber did not pay attention in June

It came as a shock that still hasn't quite worked out. Haf September, dozens of arts institutions received a letter from the State Secretary of Culture, informing them that they could start using the subsidy they thought they were getting for projects until 31 December 2012 for redundancy procedures, selling real estate at a loss and staff lawsuits against their necessarily harsh policies. In doing so, Zijlstra is forcing these institutions to cancel agreements they had previously made with he...

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It came as a shock that still hasn't quite worked out. Haf September, dozens of arts institutions received a letter from the State Secretary of Culture, informing them that they could start using the subsidy they thought they were getting for projects until 31 December 2012 for redundancy procedures, selling real estate at a loss and staff lawsuits against their necessarily harsh policies. In doing so, Zijlstra is forcing these institutions to cancel agreements they had previously made with he...

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