Does a soft drink manufacturer's advertisement belong in a museum? In Edwin Jacobs's view, it can and fits seamlessly into these times. He is opening up his Centraal Museum to artworks made from Red Bull cans. Something to which not everyone responds positively.
The 'Art of Can' exhibition shows the sixty best creations that both amateurs and some professionals have crafted from cans of Red Bull. Pretentious works of art, Jacobs calls them. Yet he thinks they belong in a museum. Nowadays, a museum is not just a place where people come to look, it is also a place where they come to bring something. For example, a soft drink can. 'Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler', said Joseph Beuys .
Blurring boundaries between the museum and the street and between the museum and the market. If the museum doors are opened to commercial partners in greater openness, are there more opportunities the other way around? The museum entering the commercial market in greater openness?