We don't know how many BMWs are involved in terms of counter value, but the fact is that the German car group of search cars has taken another step away from the fast kid street racing circuit now populated by Audi and VW anyway.
The new generation the company wants to engage is equally young, but thus considerably more cultured. They are the young creatives who feel an affinity with the Sandberg Instituuut, the master's programme of the prestigious Rietveld Academy. Indeed, this institute took the initiative once started as a guerrilla 'One Minute Video' over from the guerrillas and made something big out of it. All those videos made since 1998 now lie on tapes in the archives of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, taking up space and money. So digitise them, before the last VHS recorder dies.
Enter BMW's German Designer Dexterity, in the words of Jan Christiaan Koenders: "BMW Netherlands considers it important to attach its name to initiatives that manifest themselves in innovative ways as icons of Dutch culture." So BMW is going to put money into digitally storing all those minutes of creativity.
The question now is what car the ministers of the Ministry of OC&W drive around in. We suspect something with an A.