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Help Zwolle get a theatre of the future

"Everyone today has a computer in their pocket (smartphone or glass) that gives you considerable computing power and communication technology per person. You can use that computing power and technology, to add augmented elements to entertainment."

Just a response to a question. From a theatre. Because that theatre wants to look ahead: What does the theatre of the future look like? That question Odeon De Spiegel Theatres put to FMT Workforce, the online brainstorming omge...

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"Everyone today has a computer in their pocket (smartphone or glass) that gives you considerable computing power and communication technology per person. You can use that computing power and technology, to add augmented elements to entertainment."

Just a response to a question. From a theatre. Because that theatre wants to look ahead: What does the theatre of the future look like? That question Odeon De Spiegel Theatres put to FMT Workforce, the online brainstorming omge...

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