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Finally a mature debate on culture. VVD stresses importance of culture for local business climate. #tkculture

The cultural sector should listen more closely to the minister's mother. Who said: 'You can be sad for a long time about what you didn't get, also be happy about what you did get.' Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven cited her mother in the closing stages of the inserted budget consultation on the incidental support to the sector, which was declared last week. A striking remark from the minister. On a previous occasion in the House, she stressed that the sector had "finally responded maturely" to the problems it was experiencing at the time. So an image of whining toddlers lingers in the mind of Ingrid van Engelshoven. When it comes to the arts sector.

Another striking thing: the minister almost casually stated that all branch organisations, and particularly Kunsten '92, were aware and had agreed to the support measures of 300 million squeezed out of the Council of Ministers last week. That all those organisations then come to the House with letters saying that while the 300 million is nice, it is not nearly enough is then dickish. 'Childish', says the minister presumably, adding another possible curse in her mouth. After all, she came across as somewhat tired today, and we get it.


But in any case, we can say that the whole world welcomes the support for the arts sector. Nor should we be surprised by the billions flowing to the top executives of KLM, or the seed onion growers who receive considerably more income support than the average dance company. Don't whine, be glad you're alive, knowing that for the cultural sector it's all going to get much worse. After all: not only have we lost this summer, next season and the summer after that will be uncertain as long as there is no vaccine.

What also seemed to be no vaccine against was the VVD's denigrating attitude towards the arts sector. That party put a new trainee on the spokesmanship every six months, to try out what it was like to have whining all over you. With Zohair El Yassini, that has changed. At his first appearances, a few months ago, his dossier knowledge was still reasonably in line with what the VVD party leadership called "pleasantly absent". At the debate on 28 April, he actually showed vision. For instance, he argued that it was good that local governments were enabled to support their cultural sector, partly because of the importance of culture for the business climate.

Business climate

Until now, for the VVD, only the abolition of corporation tax and the preservation of Schiphol Airport were important for the business climate, so something has happened, while Mark 'nail salons are just as important as museums' Rutte had his head on other matters for a while. The turnaround even came as a surprise to D66 MP Belhaj, who did not know how quickly she had to interject before her turn to claim the establishment climate thingy back for the Democrats.

Whether El Yassini briefed his statement in advance with the party leadership is the question. It could well be that the VVD can afford to take a more culture-friendly course now that the PVV and FVD are hanging in the ropes a bit, and no longer show themselves at these kinds of debates. After all, and this is the best outcome of all this misery: it is no longer about cultural subsidies that can be dismissed as a left-wing hobby, but about culture in general. Or, as Labour leader Asscher said with the minister's approval: about our way of life.

It looks like the House of Representatives has finally grown up.

Good to know Good to know
On 9 May, the House of Representatives will vote on today's motions.

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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.View Author posts

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