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This is the ticket scheme. We share the official FAQ.

We take over a post from the site '', adding that the main purpose of the scheme is also to compensate the creators, the performing artists. So don't think: "my theatre gets subsidy, right?", because that subsidy is usually just enough to pay the rent. Performances are almost always paid for directly from ticket sales:


For cancelled events, under normal circumstances, consumers are entitled to a refund of the purchase price. However, the corona crisis means that the financial impact on the industry is so great that institutions could go bankrupt if refunds have to be made for all tickets already purchased.

For this reason, a new ticket scheme has been drafted that provides a solution to this exceptional situation. The scheme was created in consultation with various trade associations in the cultural sector, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Consumer & Market Authority.

The scheme starts tomorrow (Thursday 9 April). In this post, we inform marketers about the scheme in advance so that you can prepare well and join the national campaign. The information comes from the Voucher Scheme Promotion Working Group.

What does the ticket scheme entail?
With the pay-off Save your ticket (or Save your ticket), every theatre, stage, festival, museum or concert hall applies the same policy regarding refunds. If an event cannot be rescheduled to a new date, or if the buyer is unable to attend on the new date, the buyer is given the option of receiving the purchase price of the ticket(s) incl. service costs in the form of a voucher that remains valid at the venue or organiser concerned. In addition, the possibility of requesting a refund or donating the ticket(s) remains.

The FAQ for spectators

Why the ticket scheme?

With 'Save your ticket, enjoy later', the cultural and sports industry hopes that ticket buyers will visit their favourite stage or event later. This helps cushion the economic impact created by the coronavirus measures in the cultural sector. As a result, new events in the future can be worked on in full. This not only helps organisers, artists and venues, but also all the people behind the scenes who help make events possible, such as set-builders, technicians, suppliers, creatives and other employees and self-employed people in the cultural and sports sector.

If you want to know more about the background, watch this video from the NOS or this excerpt from Radar

How does the ticket scheme work?

If an event, for example a show, match or concert, is cancelled, you get your money - including service and/or booking fees - back in the form of a voucher, a digital credit. How this works exactly varies from one organisation to another. If the event, has been rescheduled, the tickets remain valid. If you cannot make the alternative date, you can request a voucher.

How long is my voucher valid?

Tickets for events to be rescheduled due to coronavirus

remain valid for the relocated event, provided that relocation takes place within a period of 13 months from the original event. In the end, if you have not used your voucher and the deadline has expired, you will be refunded.

Can I also get my money back immediately?

As a consumer, you have the right to request a refund. When the money is refunded depends on whether it is a cancelled or rescheduled event. If the event is rescheduled, your money can be refunded. If the event is cancelled, this period is up to 3 months from the date the event was supposed to take place. However, this ticketing scheme was set up for a reason: cultural institutions could fall over if everyone does. Hence, the government also supports this scheme. 

Can I make a donation?

Gladly even! How this is organised varies from organisation to organisation. Some have set up their own fund, others refer you directly to the donation options with the makers. Again, check the website of the relevant organisation for that. 

Is my event, organiser, theatre or festival participating?

In principle, all Dutch theatres, concert halls, organisers, pop stages, monuments, museums and festivals can benefit from this scheme.

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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.View Author posts

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