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No audience cap in theatres; playing to wider audiences possible again


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From 1 July, more people will again be able to attend performances and cultural festivals. In theatres, cinemas and concert halls, a maximum of 30 people will no longer apply. From then on, the space will be leading instead of the number of visitors. However, basic rules such as 1.5 metres must be observed. In addition, a health check takes place beforehand, advance booking is necessary and everyone has a fixed seat in the auditorium.

This was decided by the cabinet today based on advice from the Outbreak Management Team (OMT). Outdoor performances and festivals will also no longer be subject to a maximum number of people.

Minister Van Engelshoven: "Fantastic that theatre makers, actors, musicians and other performers can show their skills to a wider audience again. They had to wait a long time, last time was very difficult. The consequences of the corona crisis for the cultural sector are huge. But now there is finally that dot on the horizon. Now more people can enjoy wonderful performances. After all, playing for an audience is the best thing there is."

For venues with through-flow of visitors such as museums and monuments with a public function, the maximum number of visitors remains dependent on the available surface area per building. For performances where reservations and the health check are not made in advance, a maximum of 100 visitors applies indoors and a maximum of 250 visitors applies outdoors.

Rehearsing and performing safely

For art practitioners, such as actors, cabaret artists and dancers, where contact is necessary, the 1.5 metres only applies to the extent possible. They are no longer restricted in their choice of particular performances (recently especially solo) and there is again room for all kinds of creative ideas and perspectives. The protocols of the performing arts branch organisation (NAPK) describe how they can rehearse and perform safely.

Youth Theatre

Also good news for youth theatre. Children up to the age of 18 do not have to be 1.5 metres apart, the RIVM advises. Now that space is leading, this offers a lot of perspective. For schools, it is again possible to take up cultural education and go to the theatre with the whole class.


Rehearsals and performances will be possible again for choirs and vocal ensembles. Under what conditions, the RIVM will issue a recommendation on that very soon.

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