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Events at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel


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Month September 2022

Besides a permanent collection presentation at Amstel 51 and in Huis Willet-Holthuysen and changing exhibitions, the Amsterdam Museum offers a rich public programme. At various locations and for a diverse audience. The following events are scheduled for September 2022. Take a look at for the latest information.

Smell Tour

From 1 September
Explore the bygone scents of Amsterdam with Odeuropa's scent walk City Sniffers - a scent walk through Amsterdam's eco-history. Anyone can pick up a free 'Rub'n'Sniff card at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel from 1 September to explore the city's history. Participants navigate through the city via a smartphone app and smell the corresponding history on this scent map. Through text and images, the locations on the route and their sensory history come to life.
Time: Daily from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Fragrance cards can be picked up at the information desk of the Amsterdam Museum, Amstel 51. There are 1,000 available. Out of stock
Language: English
Admission: Free
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New Narratives tour by Marian Markelo
4 September
On Sunday, September 4, from 11.30am-12.30pm, Winti priestess Marian Markelo will give a tour of the exhibition ''Colonial Stories. Work in Progress' at the Amsterdam Museum. During this New Narratives Tour, Marian Markelo will share her insights into the colonial past of the city of Amsterdam and its former overseas territories. Markelo will highlight the heritage from various angles: not only the historical but also the spiritual and contemporary social aspects of observing colonialism and slavery. Markelo itself appears in the exhibition in a video clip of the commemoration of the abolition of slavery, during which Markelo performs the annual libation offering in Oosterpark.
Time: 11:30 - 12:30 a.m.
Location: Amstel 51
Admission: Participation is free on presentation of a valid museum admission ticket. There is space for 15 people. You can register via the Amsterdam Museum website.
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Heritage Day
10 + 11 September, all day
The Amsterdam Museum participates in the Friends Lottery Open Monument Day. The main location of the Amsterdam Museum on Kalverstraat, the former Citizens' Orphanage, is being renovated. The museum is closed at that location and is temporarily housed at Amstel 51 (Hermitage building) but visitors can visit the former Civil Orphanage during Open Monument Day on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September. On these days, the courtyards will be open, there will be information about the renovation and visitors can join a museum guide in the closed museum four times a day.
Time: All day
Location: Civic Orphanage, Kalverstraat 92
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Welcome to the Northside: glass art workshop with Robin Kapitein
September 11
Robin Kapitein is an artist from Amsterdam North. In his glass art, he seeks the
borders between traditional stained-glass windows and modern art. Feature
for his work is the use of bright colours, coarse and dark line work and
contemporary unique designs. In the workshop on Sunday 11 September at the Amsterdam Museum, Captain will cover the basics of the tiffany technique within stained glass after a brief introduction to his work. Visitors can choose for themselves from the already pre-cut pieces to create their own unique glass artwork.
Time; 13:30 - 17:00
Location: Amstel 51
Admission: Free on presentation of valid admission ticket. There is room for 15 to 20 people.
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Symposium research Golden Coach
September 12
From June 2021 to February 2022, the Golden Coach was on display at the Amsterdam Museum. An extensive exhibition provided historical context, explanation of the craft, contemporary (artists') perspectives and interpretation of the broader social discussion around the Golden Coach. Around the exhibition, the Amsterdam Museum, with various partners, conducted various research into the many perspectives that respond to this discussion, the central question of which seems to be: what does the future of the Golden Coach look like? We got a concrete answer to this question earlier this year, when King Willem-Alexander announced he will not use the carriage 'for the time being'. 'The royal vehicle will 'only be able to ride again when the Netherlands is ready for it. And that is not the case now.'
What role can a museum play in facilitating social discussion, such as the conversation about the future of the Golden Coach? What results have emerged from the various forms of research and data analysis conducted around the exhibition? Where did the gold on the Coach come from? And what impact did the exhibition have on its many visitors and stakeholders? These questions, arising from a unique project, will be addressed in the symposium on the Golden Coach on 12 September.
Time: 15:00 - 17:00 (followed by drinks/snacks until 18:30)
Location: Pakhuis de Zwijger (main hall)
Admission: Free admission. Capacity = 200 people.
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Returning the Gaze - Theatrical city walk on Amsterdam's colonial history 
21,23,24,25,30 September + 1&2 October
Returning the Gaze is the latest site-specific performance by Sites of Memory and is about whose voice is heard, ignored or recognised; the dominant mostly white gaze (gaze) versus the suppressed gaze from which colonial history is viewed. The audience is taken on a journey from Huis Willet-Holthuysen to the new home of Amsterdam Museum, in the Hermitage building on the Amstel. In the process, local underexposed stories are interspersed with scenes of dance, poetry, and live music on location in the city.
Returning the Gaze is a collaboration of Sites of Memory, the Amsterdam Museum, Mapping Slavery Project, DOX and Poetry Circle Nowhere. This performance in Amsterdam has been made possible by the VSB Fund, VriendenLoterij Fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Province of North Holland, Prince Bernard Culture Fund North Holland and Norma Fund.
Time: Various start times. Each walking performance lasts 1 hour
Location: Starting point of the walk is Huis Willet-Holthuysen (Herengracht 605) ending point the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel (Amstel 51).
Language: This performance is in Dutch with lyrics in English and Papiamentu 
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Pink dance palace
25 September
In collaboration with COC Shakespeare Club, Queer Network Amsterdam and the Hermitage Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Museum is organising the Pink Dance Palace, as in previous years. This year, not in the courtyards of the civic orphanage, which is being renovated, but in the auditorium of Amstel 51 (Hermitage building).
The Pink Dance Palace is a dance party for LGBTQ+ seniors where young and old meet. Dancing breaks across generations, cultural backgrounds, walks of life, gender identity and sexuality. The Record-Drawer pulls out the oldies like Johnny Hoes, Louis Prima, Doris Day and many other stars of yesteryear. From sing-alongs to tearjerkers, from polonaise to old-fashioned rock and roll: with the Dance Palace, it's always ball. Come and dance along!
Time: 13:30 - 15:30 hours
Location: Amstel 51, Church Hall
Admission: Free on presentation of a valid museum admission ticket.
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