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'Blind' for non-existent soloist and ensemble - Asko|Schönberg, Slagwerk Den Haag & Jameszoo - Premiere 4 Oct, tour until 9 Nov


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Jameszoo wanted to disappear from his music. That failed completely, he tells himself. But what a glorious failure. He developed an instrument that is not only self-playing, but also improvises and communicates with musicians playing live. They let the non-existent challenging soloist to unpredictable musical play.

 Electroacoustic wrestling

Asko|Schönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag are collaborating with Bossche producer Jameszoo. He has developed an algorithmic musical brain that plays a piano and responds to the master musicians of the ensembles. An autonomous instrument between the musicians, a kind of disklavier 2.0.
And Jameszoo himself, amazed god in his own sound universe, bombards the musicians wherever he can with his electronics. A unique piece of electroacoustic wrestling to remember.

Result always different

Mitchel van Dinther, aka Jameszoo, has an international reputation as a DJ and producer of experimental electronic jazz. On his latest album, Blind (2022), he focuses on instruments that play themselves through self-learning algorithms. As a result, the sounding result is always different. Jameszoo's robotic piano is in the tradition of Conlon Nancarrow's piano etudes: music that is often physically impossible for humans to play. But what a trip.


Asko|Schönberg, Jameszoo's Blind Group, Slagwerk Den Haag, Jameszoo electronics

Autumn tour:

4 Oct Rotterdam, De Doelen
14 Oct The Hague, Korzo
19 Oct Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw
Nov 1, Groningen, Sounds of Music
9 Nov Den Bosch, November Music

Þ Asko|Schoenberg, Slagwerk Den Haag & Jameszoo present 'Blind' - Asko Schoenberg (

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