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Tryater's Snack Gelok tours the country - A fat installation of life-size snack trays


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Snack gelok, an audio installation in life-size potato chip trays developed by Frisian theatre company Tryater, is catching on around the country. After the success of 2022 at northern festivals such as Oerol and Welcome to the Village, it is particularly eagerly taking off at events outside Frisian borders this year.    

Deventer, Zwolle, Dordrecht and more

Earlier this year, the alienating 3.5-metre-long works were among others at Karavaan Festival in Alkmaar; soon they will travel to at least the Deventer Book Market (6 August), Stadsfestival Zwolle (2 and 3 September) and the Dordt Culture Night (14 October). Additional dates and venues will follow. 


The polyester snack trays, made on a scale of 1:16 and equipped with spoken audio including special soundscapes by Tryater composer Peter Sijbenga, lead the visitor while lying down into the world of consumption. Of snacks or alcohol, for instance, but it could also be about online shopping or collecting trainers. Makers Karel Hermans and Aukje Schaafsma came up with the concept within the Tryater project It gelok fan Fryslân, based on the Frisian paradox: Frisians are the happiest of all Dutch people but earn the least. The project investigates where exactly that happiness lies then. Next to North Brabant, Fryslân has the most snacking. 

Despite the original Frisian approach, there is nationwide interest in the impressive installations, which have a cheerful effect on visitors. The texts were alternately spoken in Frisian and Dutch; Dutch-language podcasts are used for the locations outside Fryslân.  

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