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These are the winners of screenwriting award the Silver Curly Tail


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The Silver Curling Tails were presented on Saturday afternoon, September 21, during the Day of the Scenario presented at the Netherlands Film Festival to the writers of the best film and television scripts of 2023. Once started as a giants' prize because of the lack of a Golden Calf for screenplay, the Silver Curling Tails have now become the Dutch professional awards for screenwriters.

The winners are chosen annually by members of the Authors' Union's Screenwriters Network. With this award, the Authors' Association aims to generate more interest in screenwriters. After all, without screenwriters, there are no films and series.

The 2023 Winners are:

Best screenplay Film


During a sweltering summer holiday, 13-year-old Brian finds himself saddled with caring for his bigger brother Lucien, who is severely mentally disabled. But how do you make the right choices when you still have so much to discover yourself?

Trailer Summer coat

Best screenplay TV series

LAMP - Mieke de Jong

This four-part series, based on the book by Annet Schaap, is a fairytale story about the lighthouse keeper's 9-year-old daughter.

Trailer Light

Best scenario Short (up to 60 minutes)

I AM NOT A ROBOT - Victoria Warmerdam

It is actually a formality: ticking off the 'I am not a robot' check during a programme update. Yet Lara just can't manage to convince her computer that she is human. Surely it wouldn't...

Teaser I am not a robot

See all nominees

Golden Pen for screenwriter THE TATTAs

The Golden Pen, awarded annually to the screenwriter of the best-attended Dutch cinema film of the past year, went to Donny Singh. In 2023, THE TATTA'S attracted 501,903 visitors to cinemas.

More on the Silver Curly Tails

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