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November Music presents festival sections FAQ and MOODZ


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With a large number of composition commissions and some 100 concerts, November Music will showcase the diversity and vitality of cutting-edge music during its 32nd edition. November Music 2024 will take place from 8 to 17 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch. With the festival sections FAQ (8 to 11 November) and MOODZ (Fri 15 Nov), there will also be a stimulating range of concerts on the cutting edge of electronic music whether or not combined with jazz, indie pop and classical music. Performances include Alva Noto, MAST, faust, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Colleen and Samora Pinderhughes.

FAQ Festival (Nov 8 to 11)

FAQ is a multi-day electronic music festival in 's-Hertogenbosch. During FAQ you will hear the versatility of electronic music, ranging from electro-acoustic to club-oriented genres with performances by groundbreaking composers from the early days and the latest generation of creators. FAQ Festival takes place from 8 to 11 November with performances by Alva Noto & Ensemble Modern, Colleen, faust, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Mette Rasmussen & Victoria Shen, Nèna, Oscar Peters, Mola Sylla, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Truus de Groot and more.

MOODZ (Nov 15)

All keys, musical moods and strings are touched during the colourful musical evening MOODZ. From artful pop music to daring improvisations, and from sky-high hip-hop electronica to soothing neoclassical. This year, with performances by Samoro Pinderhughes, MAST and No Plexus.

Samora Pinderhughes brews a quirky cocktail of indie, singer-songwriter and jazz. From Radiohead to classical chamber music and Kendrick Lamar, all kinds of influences flow together in his compositions. Also special is the arrival of American producer and jazz guitarist Tim Conley, aka MAST. In his energetic compositions, he looks for cross-connections between electronic music, hip-hop, dark pop and jazz. During MOODZ, he will perform with drummer Betamax (The Comet is Coming), cellist Artyom Manukyam and North Sea String Quartet, among others. MOODZ will be closed by genre-bending duo No Plexus which mixes high-speed electronics with a touch of 80s synthpop.

About November Music

November Music is the festival for all adventurous music lovers. Every year, it brings together the most idiosyncratic and progressive creators and musicians from all over the world. Not with the flow or against it, but with new, own currents. It is precisely by giving a place to all these different sounds that November Music allows a personal and individual story to be heard, just as the makers themselves do.

Experience modern composed music, jazz, world music, musical theatre, pop, installations and genres you never thought possible yourself. November Music creates encounters and challenges creators to jump into the deep end. 

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