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PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP - New toddler performance by Maas theatre and dance


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On Saturday 19 October, Maas theatre and dance's new toddler show will go on stage PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP FLAP (3+) premiered at the Maas stage in Rotterdam. Creators Sara Giampaolo and Esther Schouten build on the line of toddler theatre that Maas has developed in recent years: big themes brought in a playful way. After the premiere, the show will tour Dutch and Belgian theatres until February 2025.

About the show

In PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP, two bird watchers take on the challenge of a lifetime. Thoroughly prepared and with a wealth of bird knowledge, they embark on a race in search of that one lucky bird. But nature will not let them be ordered around and forces the bird spotters to wait, wait and wait some more.

In a world where you are held responsible for your own happiness and where everything is available on-demand, PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP shows that you don't have to figure everything out for yourself. Sometimes happiness comes flying to you by itself and sometimes the wait proves more valuable than the find. A musical theatre performance with few words, lots of flapping and comical attempts to be the first to find happiness.

Complex topics at the duplicate level

For years, Maas theatre and dance has been known for its toddler shows: theatre for the very youngest in which major themes are presented in a playful way. Artistic director René Geerlings has already created many successful toddler shows in which complex subjects such as anarchism, digitalisation and globalisation were translated to a comprehensible "duplo" level for toddlers and has won prizes several times (Silver Crickets for AaiPet and BullyBully).

Several toddler works also tour internationally in different casts, while new works are being developed in Rotterdam by new creators such as Sara Giampaolo, Anne-Fe de Boer and Esther Schouten.

Sara Giampaolo and Esther Schouten on PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP

"We think it's important to pass on to children that not everything can always and just like that be gotten, especially something like happiness. Sometimes you have to wait for something to come to you, or maybe it doesn't come at all and waiting turns out to be more valuable than getting it. Children today grow up in a world where everything seems makeable and instantly available. Watching television has become a kind of punishment because they have to sit through something, while they prefer to pick videos or series themselves and skip through when it gets boring. Still, they are happiest when playing outside. Nature and a child really are a match made in heaven. Sand, twigs, water and animals fortunately still win out over screens."


  • Concept, direction: Sara Giampaolo and Esther Schouten
  • Game/co-makers: Henke Tuinstra, Gianni Noten
  • Set and costumes: Calle de Hoog
  • Musical compositions: Sergio Escoda
  • Choreography: Art Srisayam
  • Dramaturgy: Merel Heering
  • Production: Djoeke Westdijk, Isalin Mulders (internship)
  • Courtesy of: René Geerlings

Maas theatre and dance for young audiences

Maas makes adult performances for anyone who is or feels young. Physical, curious, cross and boisterous. Maas mixes theatre, dance, mime, visual art and much more into tastefully surprising live experiences. Our home, the Maas stage, is firmly rooted in Rotterdam.


# PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP - New toddler performance by Maas theatre and dance [Previous post content remains unchanged until playlist] ## Playlist
Date Time Location City
Sat 19 15:00 Maaspodium Rotterdam (Premiere)
so 20 15:00 Het Speelhuis theatre Helmond
Wed 23 15:00 Theatre track Uden
Sat 26 14:00 Utrecht Municipal Theatre Utrecht
so 27 13:30 Theatre aan het Spui The Hague
do 31 15:00 Eastern Gate Groningen
Fri 1 11:00 & 14:30 Theatre de Krakeling Amsterdam
so 3 11:00 Maaspodium Rotterdam
so 10 11:00 The Blue Boulder Veghel
so 17 14:00 & 16:30 CC Zwaneberg Heist-op-den-Berg (B)
so 24 15:00 Ins Blau Theatre Leiden
Sat 30 11:00 & 15:00 30CC Leuven (B)
so 1 11:00 & 15:00 Bronks Brussels (B)
so 15 11:00 Theatre City of Wesopa Weesp
Wed 18 15:00 CC Belgica Dendermonde (B)
so 22 15:00 De Meervaart Amsterdam
Mon 23 11:00 Everts House Bodegraven
do 26 11:00 & 15:00 Maaspodium Rotterdam
Fri 27 11:00 & 15:00 Barn Haarlem
Sat 28 11:00 & 15:00 Barn Haarlem
so 29 11:00 Maaspodium Rotterdam
Mon 30 11:00 & 14:00 Podium Sprits Utrecht
do 2 11:00 & 15:00 The Dear Lady Amersfoort
Fri 3 11:00 & 14:30 Theatre de Krakeling Amsterdam
Sat 4 11:00 & 14:30 Theatre de Krakeling Amsterdam
so 5 13:30 CC Mol Mol (B)
Sat 11 16:00 Deventer Theatre Deventer
Sun 12 15:00 Mortsel Mortsel (B)
so 19 11:00 Maaspodium Rotterdam
so 26 11:00 & 15:00 Verkadefabriek Den Bosch
so 2 11:00 & 14:30 Westrand Dilbeek (B)
Sat 8 11:00 Maaspodium Rotterdam
so 9 11:00 Maaspodium Rotterdam
so 16 15:00 Bijlmer Park Theatre Amsterdam
*Playlist subject to change*

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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.View Author posts

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