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Appointment of new member supervisory board Amsterdam Museum


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Mels Huige has joined the supervisory board of the Amsterdam Museum. The Amsterdam Municipal Executive Board recently appointed the new member. Last week, the first meeting of the supervisory board took place in which Huige participated. 

Mels Huige (1978) was educated in Maastricht (Master in Business Economics) and Rotterdam (RSM Erasmus University) and works and lives in Amsterdam. In his daily work as an investor in industrial SMEs, he has a lot to do with the financial side of small and medium-sized organisations. He has knowledge of the financial ins and outs of organisations, especially with a size of 20 to 200 employees.

Mr Huige has experience as a final manager on major projects such as renovations, relocations, risk mitigation and (re)financing. His managerial experience has taken shape as a director within the Dutch Association of Venture Capital Companies. In addition, Huige is socially involved. He held voluntary positions in the field of sports and culture and within the Industrieele Groote Club. He was and is associated with Fundament, Young Patrons, Young Urban, Van Loon 672 and Vereniging Rembrandt, among others.

Huige succeeds Jan de Rooij, who is leaving the Amsterdam Museum Supervisory Board after eight years (two terms). The Supervisory Board of the Amsterdam Museum sees in Mels Huige a supervisor who, because of the combination of experience in the field of finance and management and his social commitment, can make a good contribution to the Supervisory Board of the museum.

With these appointments, the supervisory board of the Amsterdam Museum consists of:

  • Jurenne Hooi (chairman)
  • Benno Friedberg
  • Tim Verlaan
  • Garance Reus-Deelder
  • Patricia de Weichs de Wenne
  • Robbert Maruanaija
  • Mels Huige

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