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Rascals and heroes battle for power at Utrecht Festival a/d Werf

There is no such thing as the perfect human being. We are all crooks. Or is there a way to get it right? Ilay den Boer and the actors of De Utrechtse Spelen / De Warme Winkel each explore in their own way at the 26th edition of Festival aan de Werf.

Wasn't my grandfather just an asshole? That is what Ilay den Boer wonders in Figure it out for yourself (10+). It is the first and, for now, the only youth performance in his six-part series The Promised Feast. It's a pity that tonight before...

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There is no such thing as the perfect human being. We are all crooks. Or is there a way to get it right? Ilay den Boer and the actors of De Utrechtse Spelen / De Warme Winkel each explore in their own way at the 26th edition of Festival aan de Werf.

Wasn't my grandfather just an asshole? That is what Ilay den Boer wonders in Figure it out for yourself (10+). It is the first and, for now, the only youth performance in his six-part series The Promised Feast. It's a pity that tonight before...

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Welcome to the Culture Press archive! As a member, you have access to all, over 4,000 posts we have made since our inception in 2009!

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