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Budget note: We put together the cultural haircut percentages

Mark Rutte
Image via Wikipedia

Let's start again with yet another sloppiness by the cabinet Rutte: that wretched VAT measure on the arts, which are the only ones to be bounced to the 'normal' rate of 19%. VVD doesn't like it, CDA is not happy about it, but as tolerance specialist Martin Bosma once had to play a red mushroom in the school play, he has sworn eternal revenge on art. Hence that 19% measure. But so the million note still said that a low VAT rate was good: for journalism, for sports, for art. We have and image of the accidentally unremoved text:

Passage from the million note still defending the reduced VAT rate on arts.

But that Bosma's Toneel Wee measure is therefore going to be reviewed at some point, because they already know that it will yield less than Rutte hoped. Some 20% less. Once again, we have a quote from page 182:

"In private consumption, the composition of consumption also plays a role, as there are different spending categories that are subject to different VAT rates. For example, when the economy is down, it is not an unusual phenomenon that there is a shift from consumption subject to a higher rate ("luxury goods") to consumption subject to a low VAT rate. As a result, the average VAT rate on total private consumption decreases and with it VAT receipts."

Giving Act

What is new, however, is the Giving Act. The art world may try to recover the millions just looted by VVD, CDA and PVV from wealthy private individuals, who from now on will be allowed to deduct more donations to culture. The requirements for ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) status will be slightly relaxed, allowing such an institution to do commercial activities as well.

The figures

We suggest you looking at the figures and crying along. Because what becomes clear: in total, you can indeed see that there is a substantial reduction in OCW's budget coming, but in that same total, it is actually a bit less than that. The ministry's liabilities are falling from 1.1 billion in 2010 to 930 million in 2016. that's not even a hundred million less, or a generous 17%. Comes from new investments on heritage. And those are still apart from the 150 million the government has set aside for so-called friction funds that are only set aside for 2013 and 2014: damages and the like. Which we think 150 million is a very optimistic estimate.

Enfin: so the ministry's total expenditure is down by 25%. They hope. Those go from 991 million to 739 million, so that's 250 million less. Now we come to the arts. Which, according to Bosma cs hobby of the left-wing governments who thereby sustain artists who are nothing more than propaganda tools in the hands of rogue multicultis who want to destroy the Dutch people. So those arts have to submit almost 30%. All think tanks, where thus according to the same alum theory by Bosma who are forging nefarious plans to Arabise Dutch society, are counted among non-producing institutions. These will be virtually wiped off the map. We already knew, but a cut of 84 to 100% suddenly looks very concrete.

Are there winners? Certainly there are winners. Almost seventy per cent more goes to the 'broadening commitment culture' project. Whatever that may be. Gets at least 11 million more. In the arts corner, the non-producing institutions get more than .double that amount for a long time: 133% for saving Bosma's next conspiracy theory well.

Other winners are mainly at the Cultural Heritage, which focuses on preserving everything made before the invention of 'left' and 'right'. The rates of increase fly around your ears there, topping the 5890 million per cent increase for long-term subsidies. Going to dive in for a while.

14.2 Budgetary impact of policies
Table 14.1 Budgetary impact of policy Article 14 (amounts x €1 000)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 discount
Obligations 1130082 1 065 087 2 782 771 1 040 386 989 103 934 143 934042 -17,30%
Wherev gar-verpl 767539 639 000 634 000 629 000 629 000 629 000 629000 -18,00%
Total expenditure 991219 921 775 895 631 845 898 794 615 739 655 739554 -25,40%
Programme expenditure 928913 869 516 855 516 808 806 758 127 703 769 703672 -24,20%
of which Culture grants 2009-20121 571272 575 776 562 337 437 389 436 746 436 351 436276 -23,60%
Arts 449325 443 927 434 096 417 842 366 584 315 378 315295 -29,80%
Cultural subsidies 2009-2012 390002 393 551 382 813 263 247 262 604 262 209 262134 -32,80%
4-year-old 87472 90 124 85 740 37 949 37 949 37 949 37949 -56,60%
- producing 67072 69 443 65 836 34 567 34 567 34 567 34567 -48,50%
-non-producing 20400 20 681 19 904 3 382 3 382 3 382 3382 -83,40%
Long-term 142776 143 674 140 470 104 359 104 359 104 359 104359 -26,90%
- producing 112758 112 756 110 249 85 103 85 103 85 103 85103 -24,50%
- non-producing 30018 30 918 30 221 19 256 19 256 19 256 19256 -35,90%
Funds 159754 159 753 156 603 120 939 120 296 119 901 119826 -25,00%
Grants 59323 50 376 51 283 154 595 103 980 53 169 53161 -10,40%
Broadening commitment Culture 17000 16 264 20 383 28 772 28 772 28 772 28772 69,20%
International cultural policy (incl. HGIS) 5666 4 666 4 666 3 666 3 666 3 666 3666 -35,30%
Other Arts 36657 29 446 26 234 22 157 21 542 20 731 20723 -43,50%
Friction and transition costs2 0 0 0 100 000 50 000 0 0
Literature and libraries 115099 73 303 77 523 62 306 63 219 60 392 60386 -47,50%
Cultural subsidies 2009-2012 26238 26 762 26 188 30 687 30 687 30 687 30687 17,00%
4-year-old 6786 6 786 6 635 3 774 3 774 3 774 3774 -44,40%
- producing 2713 2 713 2 652 390 390 390 390 -85,60%
- non-producing 4073 4 073 3 983 3 384 3 384 3 384 3384 -16,90%
Long-term 9144 9 668 9 472 17 107 17 107 17 107 17107 87,10%
- producing 2948 2 948 2 899 2 662 2 662 2 662 2662 -9,70%
- non-producing 6196 6 720 6 573 14 445 14 445 14 445 14445 133,10%
Funds 10308 10 308 10 081 9 806 9 806 9 806 9806 -4,90%
Grants 88861 46 541 51 335 31 619 32 532 29 705 29699 -66,60%
Broadening commitment Culture 2478 1 084 1 078 1 048 1 048 1 048 1048 -57,70%
Images for the future 46896 0 8 135 0 0 0 0 -100,00%
Library renewal 17730 20 012 18 093 17 575 17 575 17 575 17575 -0,90%
Reading provision for the reading disabled 11589 11 350 11 100 0 0 0 0 -100,00%
Reading promotion programme 2980 3 000 2 934 2 850 2 850 2 850 2850 -4,40%
Creative Industry 0 2 750 2 445 2 375 2 612 0 0
International cultural policy (HGIS) 506 506 506 506 506 506 506 0,00%
Other Literature and Libraries 6682 7 839 7 044 7 265 7 941 7 726 7720 15,50%
Cultural Heritage 342197 333 926 323 132 308 820 308 800 308 790 308783 -9,80%
Cultural subsidies
155032 155 463 153 336 143 455 143 455 143 455 143455 -7,50%
4-year-old 2881 2 891 2 817 573 573 573 573 -80,10%
- producing 670 680 655 573 573 573 573 -14,50%
- non-producing 2211 2 211 2 162 0 0 0 0 -100,00%
Long-term 152151 152 572 150 519 142 882 142 882 142 882 142882 -6,10%
- producing 152151 152 572 150 519 137 792 137 792 137 792 137792 -9,40%
- non-producing 0,00001 0 0 5 090 5 090 5 090 5090 50899999900,00%
Grants 159547 148 681 144 832 140 467 140 447 140 014 140007 -12,20%
Broadening commitment Culture 2493 1 295 389 375 375 375 375 -85,00%
Museums: housing 26208 18 663 16 626 18 028 18 981 19 088 19088 -27,20%
Museums: outside Culture grants 2009-20121 18325 9 364 9 045 4 242 4 292 4 142 4142 -77,40%
Heritage and Space 900 0 0 5 076 5 076 5 076 5076 464,00%
Monuments 109786 110 103 109 627 104 145 104 145 104 145 104145 -5,10%
Archaeology 658 572 1 674 1 611 1 611 1 236 1236 87,80%
Projects and international commitments 1177 8 684 7 471 6 990 5 967 5 952 5945 405,10%
Transfers 27618 29 782 24 964 24 898 24 898 25 321 25321 -8,30%
Archives 27618 29 782 24 964 24 898 24 898 25 321 25321 -8,30%
Contribution to income/expense services 22292 18 360 20 765 19 838 19 524 19 209 19208 -13,80%
National Archives 22292 18 360 20 765 19 838 19 524 19 209 19208 -13,80%
Other 62306 52 259 40 115 37 092 36 488 35 886 35882 -42,40%
Administrative department3 9534 8 473 0 0 0 0 0 -100,00%
National Cultural Heritage Agency 52772 43 786 40 115 37 092 36 488 35 886 35882 -32,00%
Receipts 36217 24 339 494 494 494 494 494 -98,60%

Source: Budget Arts OCW , Budget statement

3 thoughts on “Miljoenennota: We hebben de culturele kaalslagpercentages bij elkaar gezet”

  1. Annelies van der Horst

    Hi Dodo,

    Just an addition: that 19% VAT applies not only to the performing arts, but also to the visual arts. So that mushroom was probably not only played, but also sculpted. OCW has a new quality Cultural Education programme in the making, so that might explain those extra budgets. And in my opinion, the cuts hit all cultural sectors (far too) hard, so there are no winners.


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