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US states: dancer gets $150 for performing with tickets up to $100,000 and rebels

Her name is Sara Wookey and she is well known in the international dance world. When this choreographer and dancer with 16 years of experience was offered a chance to audition for an appearance in a renowned performance by world-renowned artist Marina Abramovich, she naturally seized it. She auditioned and passed the audition with six others, but not until after she signed a contract not to speak to anyone about the audition, under penalty of a $1 million bailout.

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Her name is Sara Wookey and she is well known in the international dance world. When this choreographer and dancer with 16 years of experience was offered a chance to audition for an appearance in a renowned performance by world-renowned artist Marina Abramovich, she naturally seized it. She auditioned and passed the audition with six others, but not until after she signed a contract not to speak to anyone about the audition, under penalty of a $1 million bailout.

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