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House amends gift deduction in cultural sector
(...) A majority of the Chamber wants to limit the Cabinet plans for tax deductions in the cultural sector. At the same time, it should become more fiscally attractive to make donations to sports and music associations. VVD, CDA and PVV submitted amendment proposals to this effect to the Giving Act of State Secretary Frans Weekers (Finance) on Tuesday. (..)
The PVV thought that went way too far and refused to let taxpayers pay for g...

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House amends gift deduction in cultural sector
(...) A majority of the Chamber wants to limit the Cabinet plans for tax deductions in the cultural sector. At the same time, it should become more fiscally attractive to make donations to sports and music associations. VVD, CDA and PVV submitted amendment proposals to this effect to the Giving Act of State Secretary Frans Weekers (Finance) on Tuesday. (..)
The PVV thought that went way too far and refused to let taxpayers pay for g...

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