Delightful news from the world of Christmas packages. 1/3 of interviewees said they did want to find a cultural experience in the Christmas box, as they visited a cultural actvity less often than they would like: 43% due to the crisis and 35% due to lack of time. Respondents said they would go more often if they received a discount.
The proposed merger of the Groninger Comic Museum and the Meermanno Book Museum in The Hague is off the table for now. The Comic Museum is not receiving enough clarity from the ministry and from Meermanno to take such a big step. The museum, which has to move in 2014, is considering a place in the newly built Groninger Forum.
With both the ministry and the province of Gelderland unwilling to put money into Orientalis museum-park it will close on 1 January next. The dilapidated museum-park, founded 100 years ago as a devotional park for Catholics who could not travel to Rome or Jerusalem, also failed to raise €2 million itself through sponsorship. End of story, although the owner, the Holy Land Foundation, does not want to give up just yet.
The Museum of Natural Sciences, the Boerhaave Museum in Leiden, also managed - just at the last minute of 2011 - to raise €1.28 tonnes with a benefit auction, thus meeting the 17.5% own income standard. The museum reports an influx of cultural funds, donors and sponsors.
That library facilities across the country are in decline had been clear for some time. In Nijmegen-West Soon, no library will be available for the 30 thousand residents of this part of town. Overall, more than half of the neighbourhood branches in Nijmegen are disappearing thanks to a 12% cutback. count your winnings ...