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We have ebooks on offer

A website is nice, but often less suitable for quiet reading. And although our mobile themes now seem to work well, it is often still a lot of clicking and searching before you can read things a bit smoothly.

We have now found a solution to that: ebooks. A handy way to read all kinds of related articles: on your e-reader or your tablet computer.

Piece de resistance in our new e-bookstore is 'Rutteleaks': herein we have compiled all the articles that dealt with the sometimes bizarre twists and turns in arts policy in 2011. From sometimes hilarious performances by aldermen to long accounts of civilisation demonstrations getting out of hand. And of course those reports in which we showed that in The Hague they were sometimes very creative with the truth. We offer this book as enhanced epub-download on payment of €2.99, or as much more as you have to spare.

For free, we have 2 ebooks on offer that we compiled from our festival day newspapers. We work hard on that imnmers a few times a year on, and perhaps it would be fun, we thought, to have a quiet read of the result.

You can find the festival day papers here:

Writers Unlimited 2012

Holland Festiival 2011

More ebooks will be released in the coming months, sometimes as wholly original production, sometimes in collaboration with other parties. So keep an eye on our shop!

The books appear in the 'open' .epub-format, which reads well on most ereaders. If you prefer to receive other formats, please let us know. We will try to provide other versions.



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