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Rembo & Rembo fraternise in 'Sex Sells'

Theo Wesselo and Maxim Hartman made themselves immortal with their iconic TV show Rembo & Rembo. The two come closer together in their exhibition Sex Sells. Now on show at Amsterdam gallery Vriend van Bavink, until 12 October. Lucas van Eck and Daniel Bertina spoke to them, just before the opening...

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Daniel Bertina

/// Freelance cultural journalist, critic, writer and dramatist. Omnivore with a love of art, culture & media in all unfathomable gradations between obscure underground and wildly commercial mainstream. Also works for Het Parool and VPRO. And trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.View Author posts

Theo Wesselo and Maxim Hartman made themselves immortal with their iconic TV show Rembo & Rembo. The two come closer together in their exhibition Sex Sells. Now on show at Amsterdam gallery Vriend van Bavink, until 12 October. Lucas van Eck and Daniel Bertina spoke to them, just before the opening...

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