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Ech Uterech tour of the Cetraol Stetion and Hoog Ketrijne #callofthemall

"Let's move on people! I would like to introduce you to Frans van Montfoort. One of the very first buskers in the old Hoog Catharijne and almost a living statue himself." Guide Ton van den Berg, today in the guise of his alter ego Koos Marsman, claps Van Montfoort on the shoulder. "Good to see you again boy."

Marsman is the Uterech guide who gives éch Uterech tours of the Cetraol Stetion and Hoog Ketrijne especially for art event Call of the Mall. He demon...

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"Let's move on people! I would like to introduce you to Frans van Montfoort. One of the very first buskers in the old Hoog Catharijne and almost a living statue himself." Guide Ton van den Berg, today in the guise of his alter ego Koos Marsman, claps Van Montfoort on the shoulder. "Good to see you again boy."

Marsman is the Uterech guide who gives éch Uterech tours of the Cetraol Stetion and Hoog Ketrijne especially for art event Call of the Mall. He demon...

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