We had still so decided not to say anything about the Black Peters Discussion. But still. Whoever is right, and whatever has been said, written and fantasised about it historically, we now have images. In those images, from 1935, we see Sinterklaas (a starring role by the famous actor and director Eduard Verkade) (thanks Peter van Bokhorst for the info), surrounded by men in some kind of noble costume, on horseback. We thought for a moment that this was proof of the existence of white pete, but no, this is the actor's court from Spain. Indeed, at the end you can see another Black Pete at the bottom of the picture: on foot, in simple clothes.
But then.
In the picture of the entry, we also see something else: black and white attendants. At the front of the boat are servants with and without make-up, but in the same outfits. How about that?
We wonder if these were also called Black Pete, or if something else was going on.
We are curious to hear reactions from people who still experienced it: what were those White Pete people doing there?