While all of us at the Stedelijk were dwelling on Arnoud Mik's more than impressive work, realising it was new, we forgot to look anywhere else.
On our own screen, that is. Because on Youtube, Twitch and more platforms like that are happening right now. There, pimply adolescents with a maths and hormonal knack invent things that are fun, and later make things that are interesting, and in the long run make things that will make sense. We are only at the beginning.
Over at our friends at The Guardian Art Professionals, there is a webinar next week on what the art world can learn from internet greats like PewDiePie. Watch the video and understand why it has been viewed 34 million times. And consider what you could really do as an artist, and as an art house with the knowledge of new media.
We will try to report on the webinar. Do you have any ideas right now? Share them with us, in the comments.