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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.

VPRO Boeken, 10 jaar Podium Klassiek en Groenteman in Amersfoort: de culturele tv-zondagavond houdt dapper stand

Floris Kortie is volwassen geworden. De vrolijkste krullenbol van de klassieke-muzieksector heeft in 2024 bewezen dat hij Podium Klassiek in zijn eentje kan dragen. Dat hij de voortzetting van Podium Witteman, waar hij als het pientere neefje mocht freewheelen, door een diepe crisis heeft weten te krijgen, siert hem. Na het vertrek van Mike Boddé, die naar eigen zeggen meer… 

Dramaturges out the door at ITA. Trend or vulgar industrial dispute?

Is een dramaturg waardevoller dan een pr-medewerker? Volgens Eline Arbo, sinds dit jaar artistiek leider van het zwaar gehavende Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, niet. Zij praat over ‘de lange lijnen van het gezelschap’ net zo lief met communicatiemedewerkers. Mensen die hun leven in dienst stellen van de bestudering van het repertoire, de psychologie van de regisseur en de tijdgeest weten immers… 

Model theatre contract renewed

The Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten (NAPK) and the Authors' Union have agreed on adjustments to the Model Contract for writing a theatre text. The director of the NAPK and board members of the Auteursbond have just signed the new contract. The new version of the agreement incorporates recent developments in the regulations regarding the author's contract law, which the... 

Rotterdam Theatre venue for dance innovation

Jan Zoet's leadership sets an example for generations

Toen de Rotterdamse Schouwburg het programma bekendmaakte voor het jaar (2001) dat de stad Culturele Hoofdstad van Europa zou zijn, organiseerde directeur Jan Zoet dat in de Amsterdamse Stadsschouwburg. In de voortdurende 010-020 strijd best een statement. Zoet wist dat de landelijke pers zetelde in de hoofdstad en zelden bereid was buiten de stadsgrenzen te kijken. Hij wist ook dat… 

Alum makes final Greek exam a celebration, thanks to Antigone

Theater heeft alles met taal te maken. En niets, natuurlijk, maar dankzij Aluins versie van Antigone wil ik een lans breken voor het ‘alles’. Omdat taal veel bepalender is voor beeld dan andersom. Verwarrend? Jawel. Gelukkig maar.  Aluins Antigone, of liever gezegd, de bewerking door Erik Snel van de vertaling door Gerard Koolschijn van het stuk dat de Griek Sofokles… 

logo council for culture

Culture Council still dissatisfied with Reisopera and LKCA plans 

"LKCA only partially meets the first condition: providing insight into the activities to be undertaken for the 2025-2028 grant period. The requested planning and budget are missing. The addendum gives a picture of which activities will be divested, but only partly clarifies how these activities will be secured elsewhere and how the acquired knowledge will be safeguarded." The... 

Something is shining in the north thanks to Explore The North

In the first version of Explore The North's new website, the builders had forgotten to mention in which city the festival would take place. This has since been remedied with a beautiful 'about us' page, so that even non-Leeuwaars know where to go. The production house cum festival is in the Basic Cultural Infrastructure from the next edition. That means that... 

Make more music yourself! (What I learnt from November Music 2024)

When I think of new music, I have never thought of fun. Rather, you think of seriousness, subtlety, taste to be acquired and listening experiences that you might later find ordinary. But not yet. So this year during November Music, I did laugh a lot. Not roaring (an occasional one), but simply, with happiness. While in the world... 

VAT 'off the table for now'. Opposition winged by Wilders cs.

The VAT increase on culture and sports is off the table (VAT increase on culture, media and sports off the table: coalition struck deal with opposition). However happy everyone is, and however holy the cabinet's promise sounds: that message is only half true. During the parliamentary debate on the Schoof?Wilders tax plan, the rather intransigent and laconic minister Heinen... 

Culture budget debate: paragon of powerlessness minister and House

OCW Minister Eppo Bruins hopes citizens will buy more books, read more newspapers and go to the theatre more often thanks to the extra spending power hidden in the tax plans of the Schoof?Wilders Cabinet. This would offset the negative effects of the intensely 'ugly' VAT increase on vulnerable culture. During the Legislative Consultation OCW budget, Culture section, held on Monday,... 

Why we should never talk about the 'earning power' of culture again.  

"Strengthening earning capacity is a necessary condition to improve the labour market position of workers in the sector. Martin Verboom is happy to share what came out of the evaluation of the Cultural and Creative Sector Labour Market Agenda in this area. Platform ACCT is forging a coalition with partners in the sector to take up the priorities for the coming years." This was why... 

Finance minister 'not happy with some details in VAT measure', but sees no alternative

After a morning debate in the Lower House, Cabinet Schoof's tactics are clear. At least, when it comes to the controversial plan to selectively increase VAT on culture. In response to all questions from the House about why, Finance Minister Eelco Heinen replied that it should not be about details, but a "total package". Therefore, he wants... 

Laura Bowler wrote Advert: on the tattoo as the ultimate expression of your own power

A piece of music in which the vocal soloist is given a tattoo in the last fifteen minutes, live on stage. In Laura Bowler's Advert, performed by Laura herself together with the Hamburg-based Decoder Ensemble, you can experience just that. Not unexpected when you realise that Bowler trained not only as a composer but also as a theatre maker. She studied after the conservatoire at the Royal... 

Enno Poppe looks for the most elementary particle of the drum kit #novembermusic

The drum kit is pop music's most important instrument. German composer Enno Poppe, who grew up without pop music, has a fascination for percussion. A new work can be heard during November Music this year: Streik. Composed for 10 drums. I spoke to the 1969-born composer about this work and his inspiration. Listen to the podcast: What immediately... 

Circolo turns the growing pains between sport and theatre into something beautiful

Large spinning steel behemoths, mowing blades or relentless hands of a clock, which grind you as a human being if you don't duck, or jump, or roll away in time. There were two of them during Festival Circolo in Tilburg, this year, and it always impresses. It happened at Un Loup pour l'homme in the Spoorpark and at La Chute des Anges in... 

Southern romance and hushed high spirits: Circolo kicks off in style

Biogas. It works. In Tilburg, they have taken a big step in making circus romance more sustainable. The campfires, from the first edition the anchor of Circus Festival Circolo, have been modified. No longer fuelled by increasingly soggy firewood, beautiful yellow flames now play around glowing chunks. The wood fire became a gas fire, but designed by a pyrotechnician with circus experience. The flames... 

Wendell Jaspers and Lotte Dunselman shine in (tentative) last by Madeleine Matzer

Quantum entanglement, supersymmetry. The nerd in me could not get around the mystery of cosmic twins, which hundreds of billions of light years apart yet simultaneously take over each other's state when one of them is seen. Or something like that. In Blood Sister, Matzer's latest play, it's not billions of parsecs, it's an Atlantic Ocean and 17 years of life that those two identical sisters... 

'Scenes' only now no longer appears in print. Why that's pretty special.

I remember it well, it was during a meeting of the magazine industry, sometime in 2012 or 2013. A grave mood hung in the Amsterdam debate centre De Balie, because the circulation and turnover figures of the major magazine publishers (plural at the time) had just been announced. The downward trend that had started years back had nothing to do with the crisis, but... 

What if everyone is the boss? Acrobats find confidence in working collectively on 'Meander'

It is mouse-still in the studio auditorium of Korzo in The Hague. A few dozen spectators in the stands, a tangle of bodies on stage, shuffling, sighing and exerting their utmost strength, sliding, climbing and balancing on, over and under each other. Impressive, sensual too, this continuous movement that does not run from applause moment to applause moment, but rather lets you breathlessly follow how it... 

Shakespeare lives and comes from Utrecht

The less real theatre is, the better it works. That insight dawned on me again this weekend, in Utrecht's Stadsschouwburg. Twice, in fact. Friday with the reprise of Aluin's Twelfth Night, Saturday with Koning Krump, the masterpiece by Het Nut. Two Utrecht groups, once sprung from the same theatre school, and drunk in the same theatre cafe, where... 

Trajal Harrell associate artist Holland Festival 2025

De associate artist voor de 78e editie van het Holland Festival in juni 2025 is de Amerikaanse choreograaf Trajal Harrell (Douglas, Georgia, V.S., 1973). Harrell is een van de belangrijkste internationale hedendaagse choreografen. Zijn unieke stijl bevat elementen uit verschillende danstradities, mode, muziek en beeldende kunst. Met universele menselijke emoties en thema’s als verbondenheid, tragiek, tederheid en kwetsbaarheid raken Harrells… 

'Cabinet still allocates extra money for Twente museums', Tubantia cried. But that is not so

It was a remarkable report, this morning. According to newspaper Tubantia, the new cabinet was still willing to make extra money available for regional museums in Twente. It would be a sum of 1.5 million euros, earmarked to set up a joint presentation of Twente's history by De Museumfabriek in Enschede and Techniekmuseum Oyfo in Hengelo. According to... 

PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP - New toddler performance by Maas theatre and dance

Op zaterdag 19 oktober gaat de nieuwe peutervoorstelling van Maas theater en dans PRRRT PRRRT FLAP FLAP (3+) in première in het Maaspodium te Rotterdam. Makers Sara Giampaolo en Esther Schouten bouwen voort op de lijn van peutertheater die Maas de afgelopen jaren heeft ontwikkeld: grote thema’s op speelse wijze gebracht. Na de première toert de voorstelling tot februari 2025… 

VAT on underpaid artists benefits 'working middle income'

Er zijn fijnere manieren om wakker te worden dan met de minister van Financiën. Deze Eelco Heinen stond op woensdag 18 september het Radio 1-Journaal te woord, en hij had er echt zin in. Vrolijk, monter, en vol goede moed vertelde hij hoe ze in het Kabinet-Schoof voortvarend het beleid van de VVD gingen uitvoeren. En toen volgde de volgende… 

No direct cuts to culture. Ministry of OCW does get heavy austerity task

De cultuursector kan opgelucht ademhalen. Behalve de vermaledijde verhoging van de BTW op alles wat mooi en kwetsbaar is van 9 naar 21 procent, is de Culturele Basisinfrastructuur (BIS) voor de komende vier jaar veiliggesteld. Met de gure wind uit de hoek van PVV, VVD en BBB is dat een meevaller te noemen. Er komt zelfs een bescheiden verhoging aan,… 

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