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IDFA viewing tip for Saturday 21 November

I didn't have to think long about today's tip. Chantal Akerman's latest film runs this afternoon at 13:15. No Home Movie is about her mother, who survived Auschwitz, and her final days. And about the difficult relationship Akerman had with her mother. She tells in an interview that they were in Mexico together once for a cousin's wedding. One of Akerman's films was playing at a festival nearby so she could do a Q&A. Afterwards, her mother said: you have this ...

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Helen Westerik

Helen Westerik is a film historian and great lover of experimental films. She teaches film history and researches the body in art.View Author posts

I didn't have to think long about today's tip. Chantal Akerman's latest film runs this afternoon at 13:15. No Home Movie is about her mother, who survived Auschwitz, and her final days. And about the difficult relationship Akerman had with her mother. She tells in an interview that they were in Mexico together once for a cousin's wedding. One of Akerman's films was playing at a festival nearby so she could do a Q&A. Afterwards, her mother said: you have this ...

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