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(Un)heard in November: 'A doubled-headed debut dildo'

Each month, in the (Un)heard series, I present extraordinary sounds that do not go unnoticed and unsung. In this November edition: Jacob Kirkegaard, Oren Ambarchi, Glice and N.M.O.
Jacob Kirkegaard - Munk
(Cassette, Phinery Tapes)
Danish sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard explores the impact of sound resonance on our ears as well as the rest of the body. Direct, intimate contact through sound is invariably central to Kirkegaard's work. In 'Labyrinthitis', for instance, he shows the tiny bones of...

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Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg

Sets his ear to places he does not yet know in today's sound. Writes the catalogue raisonné of Swedish artist Leif Elggren's oeuvre, is a board member of Unsounds and programmes music at GOGBOT Festival. His essays on sound art have appeared on releases by Pietro Riparbelli, Michael Esposito, Niels Lyhnne Løkkegaard and John Duncan.View Author posts

Each month, in the (Un)heard series, I present extraordinary sounds that do not go unnoticed and unsung. In this November edition: Jacob Kirkegaard, Oren Ambarchi, Glice and N.M.O.
Jacob Kirkegaard - Munk
(Cassette, Phinery Tapes)
Danish sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard explores the impact of sound resonance on our ears as well as the rest of the body. Direct, intimate contact through sound is invariably central to Kirkegaard's work. In 'Labyrinthitis', for instance, he shows the tiny bones of...

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Welcome to the Culture Press archive! As a member, you have access to all, over 4,000 posts we have made since our inception in 2009!

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