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Eef van Breen for President (why politicians should not miss this concert)

Shimmering. Wondrous, ferocious. Poetic, powerful. Creative and humorous. Musical. Engaging. Layered. Spirited.

A few days after my concert visit, words like these keep bubbling to the surface. And even though the Eef van Breen Group (EvBG) with Chapman for President is a typical case of 'especially go there', 'hear for yourself' and 'cannot be described', I'll make an effort.
In the beginning
My expectations were high. In 2013, I heard the first, exploratory steps of this film without ...

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Brechtje Roos

listen differently . hear more . set people and organisations in motion . stage person . presentation . social-artistic Brechtje Roos (1972) is a music storyteller. Speaker. Programme maker, publicist & founder of Hoor! Originally a musician. Speaks, writes and enthuses from music. She cares about the position and image of performing artists and likes to make herself heard. Making it clear in a seriously light-hearted tone how things work behind the scenes is her mission for the time being. That can only make the world a more beautiful place. A suivre!View Author posts

Shimmering. Wondrous, ferocious. Poetic, powerful. Creative and humorous. Musical. Engaging. Layered. Spirited.

A few days after my concert visit, words like these keep bubbling to the surface. And even though the Eef van Breen Group (EvBG) with Chapman for President is a typical case of 'especially go there', 'hear for yourself' and 'cannot be described', I'll make an effort.
In the beginning
My expectations were high. In 2013, I heard the first, exploratory steps of this film without ...

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