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Artists are averse to entrepreneurship. 3 reasons why that is wrong

Most young artists only find out after their studies that they lack important entrepreneurial skills. That is why ELIA, the network organisation for colleges of arts in Europe, is organising the conference: Making a Living From the Arts. On 14 and 15 September, academics, cultural entrepreneurs and artists from different countries will gather in Amsterdam. Together, they will discuss creative solutions for entrepreneurship in the arts. With Barbara Revelli, head of communications of ...

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Jacqueline de Kuijper

Jacqueline de Kuijper is a dance scientist and co-founder of Change Your Rhythm, a consultancy that aims to increase employee well-being through movement in the workplace. Her interests include the importance of movement for cognitive and mental well-being and the relevance of dance to society.View Author posts

Most young artists only find out after their studies that they lack important entrepreneurial skills. That is why ELIA, the network organisation for colleges of arts in Europe, is organising the conference: Making a Living From the Arts. On 14 and 15 September, academics, cultural entrepreneurs and artists from different countries will gather in Amsterdam. Together, they will discuss creative solutions for entrepreneurship in the arts. With Barbara Revelli, head of communications of ...

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