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New audiences for subsidised theatre? The Netherlands is working against that.

Together with two 12-year-old kids, I go to a theatre performance. To a theatre performance labelled 'adult performance'. Tickets cost 25. Discount for students. Discount for CJP. No discount for children, excuse, youngsters, because yes, those two bridge class kids are already 12.

Is this performance made for children? No. It is made for the curious, open viewer, for people engaged with society. Is this performance suitable for - well ahead - ...

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Stephanie Hermes

After graduating from the Theatre Teacher Training Programme at the Amsterdam School of the Arts, I developed into a versatile, innovative and expressive theatre maker who stages plays with children, young people and adults. In my working week, I combine two jobs. I am artistic director of Haags Theaterhuis, the theatre school for adults in The Hague. I am also team leader of the cultural participation department at CultuurSchakel, a mediation organisation between citizens, cultural providers and schools. In 2017, I completed the learning programme Leadership in Culture, developed and implemented by Utrecht University (USBO) and Kennisland in cooperation with HKU and Coaching in Culture.View Author posts

Together with two 12-year-old kids, I go to a theatre performance. To a theatre performance labelled 'adult performance'. Tickets cost 25. Discount for students. Discount for CJP. No discount for children, excuse, youngsters, because yes, those two bridge class kids are already 12.

Is this performance made for children? No. It is made for the curious, open viewer, for people engaged with society. Is this performance suitable for - well ahead - ...

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