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Paradiso announces reorganisation, 60 jobs to disappear this year

Last night, we received the following press release, requesting that it not be posted until 06 o'clock, out of piety to those affected. We are posting this, even though Paradiso is not a member, because of social interest.
here is the text of the press release
Due to the ongoing corona crisis and the limited opportunities offered by a 1.5-metre society in the coming period, Paradiso has been forced to reorganise this autumn. This means that full-scale 10% ...

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Last night, we received the following press release, requesting that it not be posted until 06 o'clock, out of piety to those affected. We are posting this, even though Paradiso is not a member, because of social interest.
here is the text of the press release
Due to the ongoing corona crisis and the limited opportunities offered by a 1.5-metre society in the coming period, Paradiso has been forced to reorganise this autumn. This means that full-scale 10% ...

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