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A plea: stop the online sell-out of youth theatre!

Shall I just start straight to the point? I am angry with my sector colleagues. Not at all of them, but at a very large proportion. I'm angry at all those big youth theatre companies that have figured out from their thickly subsidised marketing departments that a registration for youth theatre is only worth 2.99. So watching an online theatre experience with the whole family is not even worth a euro per person. SAY WHAT!!!?

As far as I am concerned, an initiative like holiday theatre doesn't do it ve...

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Karin Bannink

"Once, as a five-year-old girl, I was taken to the theatre. I clearly remember the first time the lights went out, my legs dangled under the seat and I, with a finger in my mouth, watched, breathless. I was enchanted! Since then, I have been addicted to the building tension just before the performance, sit on the edge of my seat during intrigues, intensely enjoy beautiful songs and melodic lyrics and, above all, I am always moved by the applause. With Buro Bannink, I want to let as many young and old people as possible experience the magic of theatre every day. All this in the hope that someone will sit and watch breathlessly and there let theatre change their life."View Author posts

Shall I just start straight to the point? I am angry with my sector colleagues. Not at all of them, but at a very large proportion. I'm angry at all those big youth theatre companies that have figured out from their thickly subsidised marketing departments that a registration for youth theatre is only worth 2.99. So watching an online theatre experience with the whole family is not even worth a euro per person. SAY WHAT!!!?

As far as I am concerned, an initiative like holiday theatre doesn't do it ve...

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