Young people from Amsterdam East, led by theatre-makers Berith Danse and Isa van Dam, delved into the history of Amsterdam East and ARTIS at the time of World War II. Their research forms the basis for the livestream The lion's den.
In Amsterdam East, the traces of World War II are indelible. Palpable in the trip-stones in the streets where so many people were deported, with the Muiderpoort station from which the trains departed as a witness. And in the stories from ARTIS, where people took shelter above the lions - while on the other side of the fence German soldiers admired the animals. The stories from East come together in a contemporary visual montage, played and created by young people of today.
It will be streamed live on Tuesday 4 May 19.30 - 21.00 on
Theatre after Dam
During the twelfth edition of Theatre After Dam, nearly 500 young people in 43 projects across the Netherlands are committed to making 4 May 2021 meaningful. Based on digital conversations and exchanges of letters between young and old about the war, something of value is created - in many different forms - and we reflect not only on the past, but also on the complex times we live in today.
- Creators: Berith Danse and Isa van Dam
- Players: First-year theatre students from PACT+ (ROC of Amsterdam)
- Costumes and design: Carly Everaert
- Music: Amsterdam Klezmer Band
- Marketing: Elise Vroonhof
- Engineering: Gert Scheper and David Maes
- Film: Dwight Samson
- Camera and technique: Phillippe Vie
- In collaboration with Talents from East/ Bunch of Choices
- With many thanks to: Arie van Dam, Wessel Broekhuis, ARTIS, CamALot, Fonds voor Oost, Amsterdams 4 en 5 mei comité, Gemeente Amsterdam Stadsdeel Oost