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Asko | Schönberg performs Small World - Grachtenfestival 13 and 14 August - premiere  


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Small World is a colourful film symphony about a mouse that moves right through the music. Composer Camiel Jansen wrote the piece especially for Asko|Schönberg and the Grachtenfestival, where it will be premiered.

 In viewing and listening spectacle Small World we follow a mouse that moves through the big world and experiences increasingly wild adventures. The music, played live by the musicians of Asko|Schönberg, is leading in this process and the animated film is made based on the movement and character of the music (and not the other way around as is usually the case).

Camiel Jansen enjoys serving different styles of music. In Small World he combines contemporary music with jazz.

Small World can be seen at EYE Filmmuseum in a 1-hour programme that also screens other animated films in which animals have a leading role. The concert/film show will be presented by Ab Nieuwdorp, artistic advisor of the Grachtenfestival and presenter of De Klassieken on NPO Radio4. A programme for young and old.

Composer Camiel Jansen makes music across all genres, but always with a narrative and theatrical slant. For instance, he previously set Muhammad Ali's legendary Rumble in the Jungle entirely to music, and wrote the mini-opera MARS On man's upcoming journey to the red planet. Small World is Jansen's second production as New Maker of the Grachtenfestival.

Small World

Za 13 Aug, 11am and 1pm
Sun 14 Aug 2pm and 4pm
Amsterdam, EYE Film Museum
Small World - Asko Schoenberg (

Camiel Jansen composition
Asko|Schönberg musical performance
Clark Rundell conductor
Casper Braat film direction
Gideon van der Stelt animations

Small World is a collaboration with the Grachtenfestival and Daedalus Foundation and came about with support from Fonds Podiumkunsten, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts and Prince Bernhard Culture Fund.

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