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Tryater repeats Oerol hit Sâlt on mainland


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The Tryater play Sâlt, created for Oerol and performed there until 18 June, is a hit at the Terschelling festival. After a quick sell-out, excellent reviews and a consistently moved audience, the Frisian theatre company decides to give the show a follow-up on shore, after the Fanfare theatre series the following theatre season.

For the music from

Sâlt, a performance by and from Tryater actress Eva Meijering, was fully booked at Oerol 2023 a day after ticket sales started. It premiered on 9 June, in a patch of dunes outside Oosterend. Since then, Meijering, musician Michelle Samba and director Michaël Bloos have received only rave reviews. Tryater receives a lot of demand for extra tickets and sees the call for a revival rising. That call is now being answered with a reprise in 2024, although the present theatre season has yet to begin.

Artistic director Tatiana Pratley: "Fansels is Sâlt foar Oerol makke mar der hinget sa'n buzz around that it would be a shame if our own loyal public could just see it. Ek is it multilingual stik mooglik in goede reden foar leafhawwers fan oer de grins om nei Fryslân te kommen. Eins soe it in prachtige oanfolling wêze op ús programmearring foar takom jier. We kinne mei sa'n sukses hast net oars as beslute ta in wernimming."

Sâlt will not be revived until autumn next year. A search for a suitable location in Fryslân that can accommodate the tall set of steel octopus arms and provide the right atmosphere is underway. Tryater is also setting its sights fully on the Fanfare triptych, in which it will stage three series on Frisian brass band culture, culminating in a major location performance in the summer of 2024.

Team Sâlt

Creator and actress Eva Meijering plays the alternately Frisian- and Dutch-language Sâlt from personal experiences: "Net jokje. Dêr binne alle doktoaren dy't ik yn libben sjoen ha it oer iens. For a long time I had a freezing spell in my house. I didn't want to be that famke mei jokte en flekken wêze. Yntusken sjoch myn liif as in dashboard foar what der ûnder myn hûd oan 'e hân is. Wy binne ús brein, wurdt der wol sein. Mar wat dogge we mei de kennis fan it liif?"

The actress, who lives in Amsterdam, has been associated with Tryater for a long time and has appeared in shows including Doarp Europe and Night. Multi-instrumentalist Michelle Samba composed the music for Sâlt, which she plays live at Oerol. She previously toured with Claudia de Breij, among others. Eva and Michelle were both born and raised in Fryslân. It is directed by international actor and director Michaël Bloos (among others Istanbul Message from the other side). Frank Siera wrote the lyrics. His texts are characterised by their philosophical approach and musicality, have been translated into several languages and published in literary magazines.

Scoop Sâlt was for royal house

On Tuesday 9 May, the Royal Couple got an exclusive preview of Sâlt. The Couple toured the Wadden Islands; on Oerol island Terschelling, Tryater was invited to show a sample of Frisian theatre.

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