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Festival Circolo celebrates differences in 10-day circus festival


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Biggest festival for contemporary circus descends on Tilburg from 13 to 22 October

From 13 to 22 October 2023, Tilburg will be home to Festival Circolo, the biggest festival for contemporary circus in the Netherlands. Here you will see groundbreakers, go-getters and top artistic athletes highlighting and celebrating our differences in performances that everyone can identify with. 
This year's programme consists of more than 25 different productions with a total of more than 100 performances, most of which can be seen in Tilburg's Spoorpark. Schouwburg Tilburg, Hall of Fame and Theater De Nieuwe Vorst are also part of this year's Festival Circolo.
Some highlights from the programme are highlighted below.
Yé - Circus Baobab
A fiery discourse on water by 13 West African acrobats
"Incredibly powerful with conviction and humour."
Circus Baobab masterfully combines tradition and modernity in an explosive circus experience. In  a group of 13 talented dancers and acrobats from West Africa explore major contemporary issues such as global warming, pollution and power over a rare resource: water, with youthful bravado. They package all this in a unique performance that is almost bursting at the seams with conviction, energy and humour. Expect giant human pyramids, hand-on-hand acrobatics and people being thrown 7 metres into the air.
 is directed by Yann Ecauvre, co-founder of Cirque Inextremiste and a true master of humour in the void. Together, Yann and the performers form an unbeatable team that propels each other to great heights, often literally. They launch each other into the air, building huge constructions with bodies and using powerful body language to question the world around them. In a fiery argument about water, they brew a fizzy cocktail of elegance and power. Yé!


Low Cost Paradise - Cique Pardi!
Step into the colourful paradise of madness
"The energy of Cirque Pardi! is second to none."
Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the paradise of the forgotten! In true Valhalla, there is no room for imperfection. That is why circus company Pardi! is building its own utopia where the logic of madness and the beauty of ugliness is celebrated. You are invited to this Low Cost Paradise to get a taste of this new reality. Under the ridge of a huge circus tent, this collective of acrobats, dancers and live musicians builds an immersive vortex that sets everything in motion, but especially your laughing muscles. Colourful figures fly through the air, balance on wheeled bicycles, get involved in spontaneous parties, perform magic and fire confetti cannons. There is screaming, laughing and crying. If you did not know better, you would say that this paradise resembles the world we know.


Le Complexe de l'Autruche - Collectif d'Equilibristes 
Ten handstand artists turn the world upside down.
"Circus like you've never seen it before."
Ten acrobats share the same addiction: walking around on hands. In Le Complexe de l'Autruche (the ostrich complex), the company does not stick its head in the sand. But it does turn the world upside down. The acrobats, who spend much of the performance upside down, thus offer a new perspective on the world. In hypnotic group choreographies, progressive inventions and dryly comic situations, Collectif d'Equilibristes strings together a performance where outsiders are celebrated and the power of the collective becomes tangible. ˙uǝᴉz ʇɐp ʇɯoʞ


Images by Benoit Matrenchar
More information
Festival Circolo will take place from 13 to 22 October 2023 in Tilburg. From 29 August, the full programme can be found at Ticket sales will also start then.

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