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Liliane Brakema directs Alejandra Theus in musical performance Blue Hour


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From 29 February to 29 May 2024, it tours Blue Hour across the country. A woman searches for a way through a nearly devastated world with her baby. Liliane Brakema directs Alejandra Theus in a musical theatre performance inspired by the Pullitzer Prize-winning novel The Road by Cormac McCarthy. The premiere of this co-production by MATZER Theatre Production and &Brakema Productions is Friday 1 March at the Bossche Verkadefabriek.

A woman searches with her baby for a way through an almost destroyed world, stripped of what we were used to and shrouded in blue light. To survive, she has to make big choices. Between hardening and being vulnerable. Between thinking and feeling. Between herself and others. Between what we once knew and new unknown territory. Is what was once of value still useful in the future? Powerfully, on her journey, she learns to look differently and also to trust the shadow sides of herself. Embracing the New, without knowing exactly what that means for the one she does this most for: her child.

Transition to a new world

Blue Hour is a journey of discovery into what lives inside us that we can use to shape a new future. Feeling, that is what director Liliane Brakema is all about. "Not always being in your head, but using all your senses and your body. Theatre is pre-eminently the place where we create peace and space together to feel what else lives in us. Together, as makers and as audience. In the performance Blue Hour means that: an invitation to imagine a better world."

Blue Hour is a musical, sensory performance, performed by Flemish-Colombian actress Alejandra Theus, known for performances such as Revolutionary Road (Theatre Rotterdam) and several productions by Theatre Artemis. The physical theatre style of director Liliane Brakema - which previously included the successful Isotopia and at MATZER Theatre Productions Agatha directed - forms the exciting starting point for the new text of theAuthor Prize-winning Jibbe Willems. The compositions are by Helge Slikker.

Blue Hour can be seen from 29 February to 29 May 2024 in Almere, Amersfoort, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda, Den Bosch, Den Haag, Enschede, Groningen, Haarlem, Hoofddorp, Leeuwarden, Leiden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Purmerend, Roermond, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht, Waalwijk and Wageningen.

&Brakema Productions. Liliane Brakema makes quirky, contemporary theatre that takes place under (not 'on') current events. Distinctively, she shakes up the relationships between dance/body and text/thought. She combines this with a transparent acting style in which the actors seem to enter into an alliance with the audience. In doing so, she creates imaginative worlds that dare to question the big and small issues of contemporary existence. Worlds that continue to resonate in the spectator's head and body.

MATZER Theatre productions, the company around artistic director Madeleine Matzer, creates accessible performances on current social issues. Theatre that makes people look at social issues in a different way and thus opens up patterns of thinking. MATZER makes, touches and connects.

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