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ZID Theatre presents programme for ExploreZ Festival 2024


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A varied programme that takes visitors through groundbreaking performances and different perspectives

Amsterdam, 4 April 2024 – Today, ZID Theatre is proud to present the programme for the ninth edition of the ExploreZ Festival. The multidisciplinary and international festival will take place at various locations in Amsterdam from 7 to 18 May. It promises to present an inspiring mix of local and international talents under the theme 'Change/Change'. Visitors will enjoy groundbreaking performances of theatre, music, dance, workshops and artist talks during the (inter)national festival.

Groundbreaking inspiration, encounters and change

The theme of this year's ExploreZ Festival is 'Change/Change', reflecting the changing world we live in. The festival will present various productions that approach this theme from different perspectives, including climate change, gender relations and social, political and technological developments. The 12-day festival, known for its inclusive and groundbreaking nature, offers a platform to international creators who are personally engaged and feel the need to engage in dialogue on contemporary issues. The 2024 programme includes 10 performances from countries including the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Brazil and Croatia. In addition to the performances, the festival offers more in-depth festival events in the form of interaction and dialogue during the fringe programme.

Recommendations from ZID

Today, ZID Theatre is proud to present the varied programme of the ExploreZ Festival 2024.

ZID Theatre's recommendations:

ExploreZ Festival 2024 - WATER


During the festival, the premiere and performances of WATER of ZID Theatre central, developed in collaboration with the European project Green E.Th.I.Cs. WATER consists of a performance, installation, interactive section and theatrical dinner on climate change. The performance offers an organic response to the challenges of climate change and invites visitors to reflect on their personal involvement and what they themselves can do about it.

  • Preview: 11 May, Noorderhof Neighbourhood Workshop
  • Premiere: 17 May, Theatre Central OBA
  • Performance & afterparty: 18 May, ZID Theatre
ExploreZ Festival 2024 - Proud to be Roma - Ethnic Coming Out

Proud to be Roma - Ethnic Coming Out

On 8 May, the opening night of the festival will see the Dutch premiere of the show Proud to be Roma - Ethnic Coming Out place of activist, theatre-maker and dancer Ivana Nikolić. She and her group give a positive voice to young creators with Roma and Sinti backgrounds from various European countries. They are proud of their cultural identity, but fearing discrimination and prejudice, many Roma hide their origins. A topic that is topical shortly after 4 and 5 May and in our current society, and deserves more attention.

Date: 8 May, Podium Mozaïek

ExploreZ Festival 2024 - Expodium


Explodium shows work-in-progress or recently created work by new makers, some stemming from the ZID training programme FATE (Future Academy on Tour), mostly with refugee past or migration background. The short performances - each always about 10 minutes apart - range from theatre, music and dance to multidisciplinary genres. Between performances, there will be space to engage in conversation with these exceptional makers. Explodium is perfect for visitors who want to get to know different creators, approaches and forms of theatre. 

Date: 10 May, Ru Paré, 14 May, Square Theatre

ExploreZ Festival 2024 - caMAra


The two makers take the audience on an intimate journey, surrendering to the power of nature. The theme is the loss of certainties and entering the unknown. Using theatre, dance, acrobatics, music and song, the makers create a lively dialogue and cultural clash, pursuing a shared space in which play, intimacy and conflict alternate. By employing these elements, caMAra questions the boundaries between individuals, cultures and origins. The performance emphasises the need for vulnerability and exploring personal boundaries, especially in these tumultuous times.

Date: 16 May - ZID Theatre

The full ExploreZ Festival 2024 programme and more information about the performances can be found at the website of the festival.
ExploreZ Festival 2024 - Programme

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