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Performing arts and science go hand in hand in Delft


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TU Delft and Delft Fringe Festival bridge young makers in engineering and performing arts

Delft, Friday 17 May, 2024 - During the 13th festival edition of Delft Fringe Festival (28 May - 9 June), the performing arts festival is working in full collaboration with TU Delft. For instance, a group of TU students will dance at this year's festival at the Delft Cigar Factory on 31 May. In addition, in collaboration with Studium Generale and TUGreen, talks between scientists, students and festival audiences on greenwashing and immigration will be held following performances at the festival.

Roel Beeftink-Funcken, director Delft Fringe Festival: "We are extremely happy about this special collaboration. With it, we add the relationship between culture and technology to our festival. In addition, we feel it is important to sustainably strengthen the connection between the historic city centre and the TU Campus, both iconic aspects of Delft.”

Thursday 30 May - Studium Generale: dance and immigration

Studium Generale is organising an in-depth programme on Thursday evening 30 May. The starting point of the conversation is the performance Iraqi bodies by dance maker Liza Sulaiman at the city farm on the Rietveld, on immigration and identity, which you can watch prior to this conversation. In conversation with Liza and a scholar, we dive into the question: What does it take to feel at home somewhere?

 Thursday, 30 May - TUGreen: poetry and greenwashing

Also, the performance Rite of what was by dance maker Margarida Constantino on corporate greenwashing forms the basis for an in-depth conversation this year. TUGreen students, together with Studium Generale, will organise a meeting after the performance at the Hortus Botanicus, discussing through poetry and conversation how art can stimulate emotions around climate.

 Friday, May 31 - Performance students X Collab: The Journey

This academic year, six students attended a modern dance course at X TU Delft, where students can develop their skills in sports, games, arts, crafts, reflection and lifestyle. Choreographer Neil Dolan created with them the performance The Journey, in which they show that even in the darkest of times, light can always be found. The final dance performances of their tour will take place on 31 May at the Delft Fringe Festival at the Sigarenfabriek on the Brabantse Turfmarkt.

 Pink Rabbit

A collaboration between TU Delft and Delft Fringe Festival is nothing new. Since 2021, there has been a 7-metre-high pink rabbit in the middle of the Markt during the festival. This is the festival pavilion, designed and made by students from the Faculty of Architecture. Another illustration of how culture and science can reinforce each other. From 28 May to June, the rabbit can be found on the Market again for information and ticket sales.

 About Delft Fringe Festival

The Delft Fringe Festival Foundation organises an annual performing arts festival and supplementary annual programming to bring together young makers and audiences at unexpected locations by using the city of Delft as a stage. In doing so, the Delft Fringe Festival aims to support makers in their professional development, offer existing and new theatre audiences a unique cultural experience and broaden and improve the cultural offer in the city of Delft. The thirteenth edition of the festival will take place between Tuesday 28 May and Sunday 9 June 2024. The complete programme can be found at

Opening hours Festival Pavilion on Market Square

  • Wednesday 14:00 to 18:00
  • Thursday 14:00 to 22:00
  • Friday 14:00 to 22:00
  • Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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