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Unique collaboration between ICK Dance Amsterdam and MMA world champion Marloes Coenen


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A unique collaboration between ICK Dans Amsterdam and MMA world champion Marloes Coenen will take place on 24 May at Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam. Following the performance ROCCO/ROCCA - a multi-award-winning dance performance by Emio Greco | Pieter C. Scholten - Marloes Coenen will talk to the dancers of ROCCO/ROCCA after the performance on 24 May.

The dance performance ROCCO/ROCCA is, inspired by the Italian film Rocco e i suoi fratelli of director Visconti. The audience is seated around a boxing ring in which four dancers engage in a physical and emotional fight. An interesting concept where norms around gender and the boundaries between dance and martial arts are blurred. The show has won multiple awards, received an all-female cast version in 2015 and continues to be performed in several countries to this day.

The physical aspect of both dance and martial arts has many similarities. Shared interest in themes such as the role of women in martial arts, and how martial arts relates to contemporary intuitive dance invites an after-party discussion between Marloes and the female dancers of ROCCO/ROCCA on 24 May.

ROCCO/ROCCA can be seen in Amsterdam and Haarlem at the end of this month.

Information and tickets via here

About Marloes Coenen

Marloes Coenen may call herself the very first female Mixed Martial Arts-champion of the world and the very first woman to be named at Bellator and ADCC signed as an MMA fighter. Over the past decade, Marloes has released three books and became the first female analyst at ESPN (former FOX). Today, she is chief commentator and analyst at UFC/Discovery. She is also a regular guest as an expert by experience on podcasts and shares on her social media her work as a presenter, author, entrepreneur and mother.

About ICK Dance Amsterdam

ICK Dans Amsterdam was founded in 2009 by choreographers Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten, stemming from their dance practice. With an ensemble of six dancers and a Next-company ICK is Amsterdam's contemporary dance company and choreographic centre. With innovative research projects, ICK researches the dancing body and the value of dance for society. The research results include performances, installations and films. ICK also supports the development of young choreographic talent and offers them opportunities to experiment, create and present themselves.

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