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Encounters between big paper roles in new children's show Coming and Going


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Does it fall? Will it stay put? Forty rolls of paper, two metres high and many metres long, play their own role in Stilt's new children's performance Komen en Gaan. During the BRIK Festival on Saturday 22 June, this show will premiere at the Chassé Theatre in Breda. The performance is a unique interplay between soprano singer Kelly Poukens and a dancer, who meet, leave and meet again. 

The performance by choreographer and artistic director Jack Timmermans, who with Breda dance company the Silence has been touring the world for 30 years, is made especially for children aged 4 and above.

The paper scrolls play an important supporting role in the piece. They form trees, walls, curtains - and what the viewer sees in them - between which dancer and singer find and lose each other. Where are they going? Where do they come from?

Storytelling with movement

Coming and Going is the first collaboration between the company and soprano Kelly Poukens, one of the candidates of the Queen Elisabeth Competition 2024.

"Children get a lot out of it, Kelly knows from rehearsals and try-outs. "They are going to shake hands with each other afterwards. Their parents see the stories again on other levels."

Dance, singing and acting take the audience into a world of Coming and Going. The music is a selection from songs and piano pieces by George Gershwin. Anyone can use their own imagination to take something from the performance. Especially children.

 'I'll give you a hand.'
'Nice, can I keep it?'
'No, you can't.'
'Then I want mine back too'

Coming and Going can be seen on Saturday 22 June at 1pm with dancer Eduarda Santos and at 4pm with dancer Elvedin Šiljdedić.

Tickets are on sale at


choreography, set: Jack Timmermans
assistant choreography: Gertien Bergstra
singing, acting: Kelly Poukens
dance: Eduarda Santos / Elvedin Šiljdedić
music: George Gershwin
light: Pink Steenvoorden - Einstein Design

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