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Star actress Sigrid ten Napel says 'yes' to King Krump


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Star actress Sigrid ten Napel can be seen in the theatre this autumn in the new play by Het NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel): King KrumpKing Krump is a breathtaking Shakespearean king's drama in a modern guise that can be seen in Dutch theatres at the time of the US presidential election. The new play is by Jibbe Willems, directed by Greg Nottrot. 

Besides great actors such as Mark Kraan, Marcel Osterop and Keja Klaasje Kwestro, Sigrid ten Napel has now also joined in King Krump pledged. Sigrid ten Napel (1993) is one of the most popular Dutch actresses of her generation. She was nominated twice for a Golden Calf and gained fame among the general public through her roles in a.o. Penoza, Adultery and Riphagen

In the play, Sigrid plays the role of Kelania, King Krump's delusional wife. She wants to save the country from her husband and save her husband from his own lust for power. To do so, she goes to extremes and far beyond.  

About King Krump

Against his expectations, Krump (Mark Kraan) is elected king. From then on, he fears that his opponents want to rip his crown off his head and his head off his torso. He wants the world to love him and guard his power at all costs. 

King Krump is a king drama in five acts with the energy of a kickboxing gala and the excitement of House of Cards. Philosophical treatises interspersed with farcical slapstick. Bloody massacres followed by romantic serenades. Four live episodes to bing in one evening; from the euphoria of an election victory to the dark downfall of a ruler losing his grip on reality.

About The NUT

The NUT is the most hospitable company in the Netherlands. Since 2007, under the direction of artistic director Greg Nottrot, NUT has been making performances at special locations in the neighbourhood, in the city of Utrecht and the rest of the country. The performances are about what tomorrow's world could look like. NUT brings together 1001 perspectives, embraces doubt and makes the complex accessible.

King Krump plays from 3 Oct to 14 Nov 2024 in 11 theatres in the Netherlands. For the complete playlist, see 


Text Jibbe Willems | Direction Greg Nottrot | Dramaturgy Jannet van Lange | Play Mark Kraan, Marcel Osterop, Sigrid ten Napel, Keja Klaasje Kwestro, Kiki van Deursen, Myrthe Huber, Charlie Bloem, Meike Derksen | Music and acting Viktor Griffioen and others | Costume design Dieuweke van Reij | Scenography and lighting design Uri Rappaport | Creative producer Juliska Retra

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