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ITA breaks with Ivo van Hove

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The management of ITA (Internationaal Theater Amsterdam) is terminating its collaboration with Ivo van Hove with immediate effect. The world-renowned director of high-profile, often rather serious performances, was in discrediting hit. An unsafe working environment had developed under his management. Not only the strict leadership by van Hove himself, but also the transgressive behaviour of his life partner and regular designer Jan Versweyveld had given rise to a bullying culture that particularly affected staff outside the star cast. 

After NRC also came out with its own revealing investigation in August, Van Hove's position had effectively become untenable. The fact that he nevertheless remained on the payroll as a consultant for 143,000 euros, and would continue to do numerous stage directions at the company where he suddenly left in 2023, was already hard to digest for many. So that ITA is now terminating the partnership is a wise move.

Supervisory board gone as well

The Supervisory Board, which tolerated Van Hove's decades-long abuse of power and did not take staff complaints seriously, is also leaving. This clears the way for the incumbent management to actually do something about the soured working relations.

Hopefully, the threatening letters by expensive lawyers to investigating journalists will also be over now. Sometimes you have to admit that they just did their job well. 

Something we also pass on as a tip to that other company where a raped intern was thrown in front of the bus by management and the supervisory board. 

The entire press release from ITA can be found below.

Amsterdam, 21 August 2024
- EMBARGOED UNTIL 21 AUGUST 2024 14:00 -


ITA needs rest, recovery and renewal. Therefore, by mutual agreement, the collaboration between ITA and Ivo van Hove has ended and the Supervisory Board as a whole is stepping down with immediate effect. The Board is doing this in the interest of ITA and its staff to further make room for the cultural change the organisation now needs. 

In accordance with the statutes of Stichting Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, the Board of B&W of the City of Amsterdam is requested to form a new Supervisory Board as soon as possible. The members of the current Supervisory Board will remain available to ensure a proper and smooth transfer to the new Board. As soon as this is done, the composition of the new council will be communicated.

Under the leadership of general director Clayde Menso, business director Denise de Boer and artistic director Eline Arbo and in consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam, the approach to create a safe working atmosphere is being further implemented. The Ministry of OCW - as an important subsidiser - will of course be kept informed about this.

Clayde Menso, managing director: "As management, we respect the Supervisory Board's decision to step down in the best interests of the organisation. We thank them for their effort and commitment. The appreciation for Ivo van Hove's artistic contributions stands, but the need exists to end the cooperation with him. By taking these steps and creating space for restoration and transparency, the interests and feelings of all involved are taken seriously. Acknowledging the pain of the past and taking concrete measures are essential to work together with our colleagues to create a safe working environment, restore trust among staff and partners, and the future of ITA."
Barbara Knoops, chair of the Works Council: "We support the Supervisory Board's decision to resign in its entirety to give ITA the space to look ahead. The termination of the collaboration with Ivo van Hove is also regrettable, but necessary.  

As the Works Council, we have had the conversation in different ways, at different times, in different formations to raise and improve (social) safety within ITA. We feel heard by the current management and see that steps are being taken in the right direction. With this, we want to express our confidence in the new path we have embarked on with the management to create a safe, inclusive working environment. This requires time, space and dialogue. As the Works Council, we will remain closely involved in this process." 


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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.View Author posts

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