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NAPK launches sustainability award for the performing arts


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Amsterdam, 5 September 2024 - The Netherlands Association for the Performing Arts (NAPK) launched a new award during the Dutch Theatre Festival 2024. This award is intended for a person, body or group that the jury believes has made a substantial contribution to making the Dutch performing arts (ecologically) sustainable.

Purpose of the award

With this award, NAPK aims to highlight a person or company that:

  • Active behind the scenes and/or out of the spotlight
  • Committed to climate-positive production practices
  • Drawing attention to the climate issue

By presenting this award, NAPK hopes to draw attention to the climate issue in the performing arts in a positive way outside the sector as well.

The jury

The jury for this award consists of:

  • Mirjam Terpstra
  • Ryanne de Boer
  • Brian Lo Sin Sjoe
  • Annette Embrechts (with reservations)

Interesting detail: the jury will be expanded annually to include the previous year's Award winner.


The first winner of this new sustainability award will be announced in spring 2025.

About NAPK

The Netherlands Association for the Performing Arts is the trade association of professional performing arts producers in the Netherlands.

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