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Bosch Parade 2022 will go ahead! After the 2021 edition first postponed by the corona epidemic and then cancelled, the colourful procession of artworks will still sail across the Dommel river from 16 to 19 June '22.
For this ninth edition, the artists were inspired by the theme 'Seduction', so masterfully portrayed by great inspiration Hieronymus Bosch.
Virtually all the works of art for Bosch Parade 2022 are now known; work is now underway with all hands, in studios and workshops worldwide, to realise nineteen floating, bobbing and wading creations that reflect seduction in all sorts of quirky ways - they are visible on our website. Tickets for the special seats along the route will also be available there soon.
On Wednesday 23 March (20:00, walk-in from 19:30), the artworks for Bosch 2022 will be presented and explained during a Bosch Parade Café in Bossche Brouwers on the Vaart, Tramkade. In addition, the first contours of the Garden of Delights will then be unveiled. The Bosch Parade Café is freely accessible; please register by sending a message to
Garden of Delights
A new part of Bosch Parade is the Garden of Delights, an incubator on the Citadel where artists will work on their objects from 26 May and where Atelier van Lieshout will exhibit a collection of impressive works. The Garden of Delights is freely accessible to visitors until 15 June, there are catering facilities and every Parade day (16-19 June) will end with a dazzling closing event.

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