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jos brink

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Winners of the Jos Brink Prize 2023

Minister Dijkgraaf (OCW) presented the Jos Brink Prize on Sunday 4 June at the DeLaMar Theatre in Amsterdam. The Oeuvre Award was presented to the volunteer ambassadors of the Roze50+ foundation. The Innovation Award was presented to Paul van Dorst of the Roze Kameraden, a lhbtiq+ supporters' club of Feyenoord. The Jos Brink Prize consists of two government awards that go every two years... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Nominees Jos Brink Prize 2023

The nominees for the Jos Brink Oeuvre Prize and the Jos Brink Innovation Prize have been announced. An independent jury headed by Jeangu Macrooy has selected Wielie Elhorst, Judith Schuyf and Stichting Roze 50+ for the Oeuvre Prize. What You See Festival, Gio van den Heuvel and Jess, and Paul van Dorst are the nominees to win the Innovation Award. The government awards... 

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