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In Perspective #13 - A GOOD COUNCIL FOR ROTTERDAM? (II) - New version.

The Rotterdam Council for Arts and Culture (RRKC) has been disbanded from 1 January 2023. I wrote about this in June this year2, and earlier the editor-in-chief did3. At that time, formal decision-making in Rotterdam had yet to take place. Given the question marks in the city council, it is safe to say that the college finally pushed through the dissolution. The... 

Carlos Gonçalves (Rotterdam Arts and Culture Council): 'According to the alderman, we have committed mortal sins.'

When he was appointed chairman of Rotterdam's Arts and Culture Council in December 2021, nothing seemed wrong. But less than six months later, he is virtually on the street now that Arts alderman Said Kasmi (D66) has decided to disband the Rotterdam advisory council. After 17 years. Gonçalves is baffled, certainly... 

In Perspective - A good council for Rotterdam?

The Turfsteker rejected The mayor was angry. The councillor was angry. Everyone was angry because the A municipality wanted to put up a work of art by a locally highly esteemed sculptor as a tribute to the peat cutter, but was denied a grant by the province. The Cultural Council had advised negatively. The relevant advisory committee lamented the artist's figurative work; it left nothing to... 

Rotterdamse cultuurwethouder zegt onafhankelijk adviesorgaan de wacht aan. Op basis van partijdig onderzoek. 

‘Wij hebben uitsluitend aangename, betrokken mensen ontmoet met het hart op de goede plek voor de Rotterdamse cultuur.’ Zo luidt de laatste zin van een rapport van het Utrechtse adviesbureau Rijnconsult over de toekomst van de Rotterdamse Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur (RRKC). Op basis van dat onderzoek heeft wethouder Said Kasmi (D66) deze week besloten de RRKC per 1… 

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